Hi, I’m Nina Dafe- and I help coaches, consultants and professional service business owners to go from hidden gem to household name through networking and PR.
It wasn’t always like this, though…
In the beginning stages (when I finally realised that your network really is your net worth), I had all sorts of ideas about what that meant. Looking back I realise I had no idea what I was doing!
My plan included:
Cold contacting influencers and potential leads every day (Super tedious and a high rejection rate. Ouch! I’d rather be creating stuff)
Attending networking events at least every week, whether I was interested in them or not (boring and exhausting, especially if you’re an introvert)
Collecting as many business cards as I could at said events (ugh, I hate superficial connections and I always felt super inauthentic and gross when I followed up)
Little by little, over the course of a year or more, hope to harness these “relationships” and make a few hundred; then a few thousand pounds/dollars a month