What if you could be like “them”?
You know, the women out there living their dreams…
The ones whose whole lives seem like a vacation because they are so fulfilled and excited every day; doing what they love.
The ones stepping with GODfidence as they live a life of significance, positively impacting others.
The ones whose passions and purpose come together seamlessly, even turning into profits (Yasss, to making your 9-5 an option rather than a necessity- especially if you hate it!)
You can live your best life…
- Without having to conform to other people’s definition of success
- Without having to be “boxed in” or inauthentic
All you need is a system that will help you remove the blocks that have been holding you back so far, like:
- Fear
- Low self-esteem
- Overwhelm
- Procrastination and self-sabotage
Because, let’s be honest, there’s a reason that you’re not already living the life of your dreams if you know what it is!
How I do I know? Because I’ve been there, done that; got the T-shirt (in many styles and colours I might add!).
Let me introduce myself...
Hi, I’m Nina Dafe (pronounced like café but with a ‘D’). I mentor Christian women to know their worth, power and purpose so that they can speak up, step out and shine as women of God.
And, like I said, I’ve been exactly where you are now. I once felt:
- Like life was passing me by
- Like everyone was winning and progressing in life but me
- Like I was living the same day over and over (like it was groundhog day)
- Bored
- Unfulfilled
And fed up of being lost in such a haze of confusion, frustration and depression because of it!
I also know what it’s like to not be able to shake the feeling that you’re made for more. I mean, I:
- Kept hearing that I’m significant and that, like Esther, God made me "for such a time as this"
- Wanted to be a "vessel of honour fit for the Master's use"
- Have the “abundant life” that Jesus promised me
Yet every time thoughts of launching my business and making my dream life a reality started to spring up in my mind, they were choked out and uprooted by questions like:
- “But who am I to do this?”
- “How am I going to make it happen?”
- “What if I fail?”
- Or worse, “What if I succeed and can’t maintain it?”
Sound familiar, lovely?
Don’t beat yourself up too bad if it does. You see, the truth is, our dreams don’t just come with rewards. They come with risks too.
What is stopping you in your tracks, is that you’re so paralysed by the fear that your worst case scenario could happen that you are getting completely turned off from the possibility of your best case scenario.
But here’s another truth- as scary as it can be, your breakthrough lies on the other side of risk. There’s just no getting around that!
Take me, for example. Understanding that led to me finally launching:
- My website (Faraboverubiescollection.com)
- My free email course (Understand God's Blueprint to Womanhood in 5 Days)
- My guide and workbook bundle (The Ultimate Guide to Eve)
- As well as expert features on platforms such as the ones pictured below:
And now? All of this has led to me empowering ladies, just like you, to make their dreams a reality by following the same system that I developed and continue to use to this day!
I give you my example to let you know that you’re not alone if you’ve ever been too intimidated to go towards your business goals and dreams. But, I am also here to tell you that it’s possible to feel the fear and do it anyway.
A sample of what you’ll master when we work together includes doing the inner work to:
#1 Increase your self-esteem
Discover the root of why you feel unworthy of your goals
How to overcome these feelings of unworthiness and low self-esteem
So that you have the confidence needed to achieve your business goals and dreams
#2 Overcome fear of failure
How to shift your mindset about failure (hint- failure can be a positive thing!)
How to confront your fears (and win!) so that you can FINALLY overcome your fears, get unstuck and get moving on your business idea.
#3 Overcome fear of success
Understand your negative associations with success
Unpick these associations and redefine what success means to you so that you no longer self-sabotage
#4 Handle the unknown
How to overcome analysis paralysis
Why your inner (spiritual) work is just as important as the outer (practical) work in manifesting your dreams
#5 Beat overwhelm and procrastination
Why overwhelm can be a sign to up-level and how to do it
How to plan your work and work your plan so that you no longer stall your own success (through business plan development and implementation)
The truth is, the women out here living their dreams, didn’t get there by chance. They’re not lucky and they are not a part of some elite.
They just decided that not living up to their God-given vision was no longer an option for them and took the steps needed to make their business a reality, despite the risks, fears and possible excuses. What will you do?
This programme is not for you if:
You’re comfortable continuing to live a life of stagnancy and mediocrity
You’re not willing to do the work to make your dreams a reality
You see no value in investing in yourself
You routinely pass up opportunities because it’s never the “right time”
This high level 1:1 implementation programme is for you if:
You don’t want to get to December 31st disappointed that you didn’t become the “new you” that you envisioned on new year (again!)
You’re tired of talking and dreaming about how much better life could be- you want to learn and implement the exact mindset, principles and activities that I use to live my dream life.
You realise that working with a mentor is an investment; not an expense