Parable of the Persistent Widow

Lessons from Delilah on Persistence in Prayer

Lessons from Delilah on Persistence in Prayer

As alluded to in last week's devotional, it is almost impossible to mention Samson without mentioning Delilah- as it was his relationship with her that ultimately led to his downfall. So, once I finished researching his mother, I must admit that I found myself looking up Delilah.

For those who may be unfamiliar with Delilah, she can be found in Judges 16. Prior to meeting her, Samson had, had quite a few altercations with the Philistines (Judges 14:19, Judges 15:4-8 and Judges 15:14-17), meaning that they wanted to destroy him. The only problem was that his great strength prevented them from doing so. As such, sensing that his love for Delilah might be the chink in his armour, the lords of the Philistines approached her...