The birthing process

Lessons from The Woman with the Issue of Blood on How to not Sabotage your Prayers

Lessons from The Woman with the Issue of Blood on How to not Sabotage your Prayers

Last week, I talked about what The Woman with the Issue of Blood has to teach us about how our tests are actually our testimonies.

On continuing to reflect upon her story this week, I realised that her story also has some hidden gems about the 2 ways in which we can subconsciously; inadvertently sabotage our own prayers- all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.


Great! Do whatever it is that you need to do to get comfortable so you can watch and enjoy the video below.

How to Overcome Overwhelm with Your God-given Vision (The Birthing Process Part 2)

How to Overcome Overwhelm with Your God-given Vision (The Birthing Process Part 2)

Last Sunday's devotional was different in that rather than basing my musings on a particular woman of the Bible, I spoke on a an experience that is unique to women- giving birth.

Whilst this process is understood as a natural or physical (reproductive) process, I spoke about it and related it to the process of giving birth to our spiritual children or brainchildren (ideas, goals, dreams, vision). This will be summarised briefly in today's post but, just in case you prefer to see the whole thing in detail, you can do that here).

On thinking about this process further I realised that birthing brainchildren doesn't just cause labour pains, it can also cause feelings of overwhelm (particularly when our goals and dreams are in the early stages of being manifest or their infancy).

Well... I say "realised" but it was less a realisation and more a personal experience with overwhelm myself in the beginning of the week (more about that in the video..)

So this is where the inspiration to give 4 tips for overcoming overwhelm (really 5, if I include the bonus one) came from- all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.