An Interview with Dawn Paoletta on 3 Things We can Learn From the Women of the Bible

Today's interview installment comes from Dawn Paoletta of, where she shares her thoughts and reflections on life to inspire others. Read on as she explains why Mary (the mother of Jesus), The Woman at the Well and Mary Magdalene are all her favourite women of the Bible given the impact that they have had on her life.

Who is your favourite woman of the Bible and why? What would you say that modern women can learn from her?

I actually have three women I identify with strongly for different reasons. God has used each of their lives, as presented in scripture, to speak grace and truth into my heart in due season. They are:

  1. Mary, mother of Jesus
  2. The woman at the well
  3. Mary Magdalene

The woman at the well was the story that actually led me to Christ, as I felt the Holy Spirit speaking to me through a friend who shared the story. It was as if her story became my is so interwoven into my own history. I wrote about my conversion story as my very first Guest Post in 2011. I never tire of telling how “I am that Woman”.

Early on in my Christian walk, I struggled with doubting God’s Word and presence in real life and it was Mary’s solid, trusting spirit and obedience that led me to new confidence in God’s Sovereignty.

As for Mary Magdalene- whom Jesus exorcised of 7 demons, and was changed forever by her intimate relationship with Him- I feel a close kinship. For I, too, am continually changed, as she was, by knowing Him in His death, burial and resurrection and by His Holy Spirit.

These women act as fellow travellers and companions to me as I journey this side of eternity, homeward bound. 

Please finish the sentence: I am a Christian woman who is…

I am a Christian woman who is passionate about Jesus, seeking to live an authentic life of faith...knowing I have been saved by grace through faith and that this grace is sufficient. Although I sometimes fall flat on my face, I trust that the same God who saved me will keep picking me up. Knowing I am loved despite my imperfections gives me confidence to face each day with enthusiasm. 


Please finish the sentence: I am a Christian woman who is not…

I am a Christian woman who is not crazy about labels, denominational lines...religion for the sake of religion. Jesus was real, and a lot of people did not accept Him when He walked this earth. He is teaching me that, though I can love and pray for others...and it is His will I do so, I am not to count on anyone’s approval...I am called to follow Him even when others are unkind to me, even when the “others” are my brothers and sisters in Christ and we disagree. I cannot expect the world’s approval always, but the surprise for me was that I needed to beware seeking approval of fellow believers as well. “You follow me…” is the call of Christ to me- really, to us all- regardless of who else understands or approves. 

Any final words of encouragement?

I have found everything I need through scripture and seeking the Holy Spirit. Quite honestly, the Spirit has led me even when I have tried to avoid seeking Him! We can’t escape God’s great love, nor the conviction and guidance He provides. Truly, He is faithful. When I read Scripture I find I relate in every way to the people I am reading about. I read seeking His wisdom for  my need now. He never fails to teach me, or reveal Himself to me. Knowing God is the ultimate adventure and HIs faithfulness to the unfaithful is our amazing example, I say follow Him and you will never be led astray. Follow the Jesus revealed in scripture and you will see the One True Living God everywhere; in all things; at all times.