The woman at the well

An Interview with Torrie Chatman on The Woman at the Well

An Interview with Torrie Chatman on The Woman at the Well

Today's interview is with Torrie Chatman, founder of a "women's ministry whose desire is to be the hands and feet of Jesus". Be blessed as she expands upon The Woman at the Well, who is her favourite Biblical matriarch, and all that we stand to learn from her as modern women of God.

An Interview with Dawn Paoletta on 3 Things We can Learn From the Women of the Bible

An Interview with Dawn Paoletta on 3 Things We can Learn From the Women of the Bible

Today's interview installment comes from Dawn Paoletta of, where she shares her thoughts and reflections on life to inspire others. Read on as she explains why Mary (the mother of Jesus), The Woman at the Well and Mary Magdalene are all her favourite women of the Bible given the impact that they have had on her life.

An Interview with Nadia Wilder on The Woman at the Well

An Interview with Nadia Wilder on The Woman at the Well

Today's interview installment comes from Nadia Wilder of, a self-confessed "Jesus girl, wife, mama, writer, photographer [and] taco lover". Read on as she shares her affinity with The Woman at the Well, how she fits into her own personal testimony and what we, as modern women, can learn from The Woman at the Well's story.

An interview with Lanayia on The Woman at the Well

An interview with Lanayia on The Woman at the Well

Today I am pleased to feature Lanayia of Fightingforpurity101, where she shares encouragement for people committed to living a celibate lifestyle (as well as general uplifting messages about faith and God) on Tumblr. In line with this, during her interview, Lanayia divulges her insight on The Woman at the Well (her favourite woman of the Bible), why she identifies with her and what we, as modern women, can draw from The Woman at the Well's encounter with Jesus.: