An Interview with Nadia Wilder on The Woman at the Well

Today's interview installment comes from Nadia Wilder of, a self-confessed "Jesus girl, wife, mama, writer, photographer [and] taco lover". Read on as she shares her affinity with The Woman at the Well, how she fits into her own personal testimony and what we, as modern women, can learn from The Woman at the Well's story.

Who is your favourite woman of the Bible and why? What would you say that modern women can learn from her?

It is difficult to choose just one, but when I think about the one I identify with the most, it is (the nameless) Samaritan woman at the well.  Our testimonies are similar in that I, too, found myself with a rather messed up life- parched and thirsty for something more and seeking satisfaction in all of the wrong places.  An encounter with Jesus altered the course of my life when I understood that He saw me in the very same way He saw this woman: not just her physical exterior, but her heart and the circumstances of her past. From this, modern women can learn the truth- that we have a God who, when we see His heart for us, we can run to and do not need to run from.  


Please finish the sentence: I am a Christian woman who is…

I am a Christian woman who is passionate about seeing women grow in Christ, understand their identity in Him and find their calling based on that identity. I am passionate about encouraging women to find their healing and their wholeness in the One who came to give us abundant life.   


Please finish the sentence: I am a Christian woman who is not…

I am a Christian woman who is not afraid to share the hard and often messy truth of this life. I believe that it is through our transparency that we allow the light to shine through the broken cracks in our lives, revealing the truth of God’s word.  


Any final words of encouragement?

Let His perfect love cast out all fear and go all in with God. You will not regret it. As Paul encouraged Timothy, we are to encourage one another; to grow with one another in the Word and to spur one another on in the faith. Let us become women like this.