
How to increase your confidence for PR success

How to increase your confidence for PR success

Typically, when would-be clients say that they don’t feel confident seeking PR they mean one of three things (if not all of them):

1.    I’m not sure who would want to hear my story

2.    I don’t know what stories resonate and therefore what to pitch

3.    There are certain levels of PR I haven’t experienced and so don’t feel confident about pursuing

The first two statements are easily rectified through coaching, templates, swipe copy, scripts and a bespoke PR plan, as will be provided at Media Magic (my retreat for business women, experts, coaches and authors who want to uncover a quick and systemised process to pitch the media so that they can get onto more top platforms, be seen as industry experts, and start raking in larger paydays) on July 25th-29th, 2024.


The third statement is more of an inside job because “I can give you the exact steps and strategy, but if your mindset and your psychology are not in it, it’s not going to work” (Holly Haynes).

When it comes to mindset, one of the things that a lack of confidence can cause is anxiety but, as I once heard, “the opposite of anxiety is not calm, it’s trust”. What this all comes down to is this question- although you may not have experienced the levels of PR that you want now, do you trust that once you have been exposed to the tools and strategies that you need to get there, you will implement them?

If the answer is “no,” your lack of confidence will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. If the answer is “yes,” though, you can expect outcomes like Margaret, who said:

Why the skills and experience that you already have are enough for PR success

Why the skills and experience that you already have are enough for PR success

"If you want to learn something, read about it. If you want to understand something, write about it, and if you want to master something, then teach it."  (Yogi Bhajan)

This quote from my current favourite book, The Diary of a CEO (by Steven Bartlett), essentially means that “the ability to simplify and successfully share an idea with others is both the path to understanding it and the proof that you do”. When we apply this way of thinking, it's then safe to say that I'm an expert in my field and so is every business owner who shares helpful information with their clients one-to-one, through content marketing on blogs, social media, or any other medium. 

You’re probably reading this and wondering why I’m sharing this. Well, I often find that when I talk to entrepreneurs about pitching the media, I get responses like, "Nina, I can’t because I don’t feel like I’ve arrived” or “I don’t know enough yet” or “I’m no expert, why would people want to listen to me?”.  

I disagree with this, and so does Bhajan.

How to show up authentically

How to show up authentically

According to Ibinye Olayide (Marriage and Family Therapist):

“It’s important to show up authentically so that genuine intimacy [can be shared]. Intimacy helps people feel safe, share their struggles and their joys and develop a deep level of closeness. When we do not show up authentically…the level of closeness [within a relationship] will be limited”.

These principles are also true as it relates to cultivating a community around your brand or business because, as the old adage says, people will only do business with people that they know, like and trust.

But how do we go about achieving this?

5 things to stop doing today for PR success

5 things to stop doing today for PR success

What if I told you that the only thing(s) standing between you and your PR success were 5 common mistakes? When I look back at my journey with PR, it’s a mix of great and not-so-great decisions. But that’s how we learn, right? So, lean in and keep reading to learn about what you should stop doing in order to get the PR success you want. 

How networking leads to PR success

How networking leads to PR success

In the last week of August, I had the awesome pleasure of going to Panama with The Christian Travel Club

It was such an amazing experience with a great group of people in an amazing country

Whilst there, I had the opportunity to attend a small mastermind breakfast with Anthony O’neal

In case you’re unfamiliar with him, he’s a former Dave Ramsey personality and host of The Table. He’s also the guy with the mic in the video above.

During the mastermind I witnessed something which was a great reminder of why networking is so important and how, if heeded, could lead to PR opportunities for you too…

How to be authentic with PR

How to be authentic with PR

On Friday I had the amazing opportunity to provide mentoring for an up and coming film maker as part of Genesis Child Films intensive workshop series

Shout out to my girl, Candice Onyeama for the invite!

One of the great questions that I was asked was "everyone talks about visibility and showing up authentically but how do I do that?"

If you've ever wondered the same thing, sis, here's my response:

How jealousy sky rockets your PR journey

How jealousy sky rockets your PR journey

If you've been rocking with me for a while then you'll know that one of my favourite books is "We Should All Be Millionaires" by Rachel Rodgers, as detailed in these Authority Magazine and Black Ballad articles. One of my (many) favourite quotes from Rodgers is:

"If you don't know exactly what you want or are having trouble getting clear on the details, follow your jealousy. The word jealousy derives from the Latin word zealous, which means "full of zeal". In many old languages, the root word for jealousy had a positive connotation and referred to emulation, devotion, or watchfulness. I, too, believe jealousy is a positive thing; it can be a signal of what we want for ourselves".

That's why when the hosts of Let's Pause Podcast asked me how people can decide what platforms are the best ones to pitch to I said:

How to get more visible even if you're scared

How to get more visible even if you're scared

If you've been rocking with me for a while then you'll know that helping women to go from stumped to savvy about how to get PR for their businesses is kind of my jam!

This wasn't the case in the beginning of my journey, though. Although I always knew that I had a call on my life to lead etc, I ran away from being visible for a VERY long time (years!)

I didn't want to come out of hiding.

I preferred to shrink rather than draw attention to myself.

I was afraid to be judged and criticised for sharing my story and my truth.

I didn't feel worthy

And the list goes on...

Yet recently that's exactly what I did on my episode of Let's Pause Podcast. Here's how you can speak up, step out and shine even if you're scared too, sis: