
How to stay committed to your goals

How to stay committed to your goals

In Summer 2023, I went to Germany for my friend's beautiful wedding. In the few weeks leading up to her big day, my dear friend and soon-to-be bride, Kelly, asked if I could read a prayer at her ceremony
I was honoured, and of course, I said YES!

My first thought when she asked me was that all I needed to do was read a verse from The Bible
I was a little mistaken and would soon realise this, thanks to a message from the best man.

Fast-forward to a couple of messages later, and worry starting to kick in (lol)

Why, you ask?

Because I learned that it wasn't a reading of the word that Kelly needed from me. She wanted me to write a few lines that I would say in front of the congregation!

I won't lie; I was a little nervous because I was wondering what I could possibly say to the bride and groom

I took a few days to think about it, and these are the words that came to my heart and landed on my page:

How PR changed my life

How PR changed my life

If you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen that I recently went live with the lovely Gladys Obaze
She's a coach and brand strategist who helps creative women heal, grow, and build thriving, and authentic brands that attract success

One of the questions she asked me was how PR has helped me


The short answer: it changed my life

The longer version?

Why mentorship is important

Why mentorship is important

When the ladies attended Media Magic, in Tulum (Mexico) last July, 0% of them knew how to get relevant PR opportunities

I know this because of the results they got from my PR readiness assessment

This means that, at that point, I could have given them the exact language, structure and anatomy of a successful pitch but it would have meant nothing because they didn't then know how to pitch platforms where their ideal clients were actually hanging out

Which is an issue because showing up on such podcasts, magazines, stages and so on leads to not getting a return on your efforts or investment

By the end of the retreat, though, I had them assess themselves again and the results revealed that 100% of them knew how to do this

What led to this success was…

Why belief is important in achieving goals

Why belief is important in achieving goals

There is a saying that goes, “Tell God your plans and watch him laugh” and if I’m being frank with you, I realised subconsciously last year that this was something I was subscribing to

E.g. when things didn’t always look 100% for Media Magic, I questioned God.

In so doing, I realised I didn’t question God’s power or ability but I did question His will and His desire towards me

In other words I didn't question if He could bless me but I did wonder if He would. Can you relate, sis?

What this really comes down to is past disappointments

As Nigerians say, life will show you "shege" (trouble or hardship), leading us to believe that what we want isn’t always in the cards

But, I think that what I came to realise is, as cliche as it may sound, delay is not denial

If you ever find yourself not wanting to engage in something or give up because you’re not sure whether it’s for you:

Why haste makes waste

Why haste makes waste

If you’ve been rocking with me for a while, you’ll know that I struggle with productivity anxiety

I’m happy to report that I’m getting over it, and while it’s an everyday thing, I can look back on my progress and see how far I’ve come

In case you’re unfamiliar, productivity anxiety makes you feel like you’re not doing enough which meant that I used to hate planning and saw it as a waste of time

Can you relate, sis?

For me, it was better to get stuck in and do the damn thing than “waste time” actually planning. But then, I audited my life and realised the havoc this was wreaking. For example:

How to deal with naysayers

How to deal with naysayers

When I first got the idea of Media Magic, not everyone understood my vision

For example, a lot of people questioned why I didn't start doing retreats more locally and then build up to hosting them internationally. Others wondered why I was creating a live experience, full stop, when I could just create a course or coach virtually

All of which, had me majorly discouraged and second-guessing myself at times

Fast forward to now and…

3 common misconceptions about planning

3 common misconceptions about planning

As I sat across from my good sis, Eunice, I felt defeated, like a failure, and that all the plans I had put in place had come to nothing

The other thing I felt was embarrassed (lol) because all these feelings were causing me to cry in public

Eunice and I had met up (as we normally do every month) at a restaurant and, what was supposed to be a fabulous girls' night out, had dissolved into this cry-fest that I was trying to hide by at least not crying loudly and attempting to wipe away all evidence of

But of course, the tears just kept coming and at a certain point, I just gave up and let them flow

You might be wondering why I was feeling this way. Well…

This moment was back in early 2023 when I first attempted to launch Media Magic

My retreat for business women, experts, coaches and authors who want to uncover a quick and systemised process to pitch the media so that they can get onto more top platforms, be seen as industry experts, and start raking in larger paydays

I first had the idea in 2022, but as you can guess from the scene I painted for you in the middle of that African restaurant, the first launch didn’t go well

Looking back now, and hindsight being 20/20, I can see that I hadn’t done everything correctly during that first attempt. But at the time, sitting across from Eunice in that African restaurant, I believed that I had done all that I could- making my poor results all the more painful

Flash forward to now and, not only did I successfully get Media Magic off the ground (in Tulum, Mexico last July), I’m currently planning my second one

(which will take place in Mykonos, Greece in October)

But the Nina of 2023, didn’t know this would happen. She wanted to throw in the towel, crawl into bed and not get out, to be honest

And, truthfully, I did do that for a while…

But then I eventually got myself back up

You may be wondering why I’m sharing this with you, sis

I’m sharing this story and the lessons learned because I know there will be people who will come across this post who have goals but are too afraid to say their goals out loud let alone commit to them


Because they're scared of ending up like the Nina of 2023 instead of asking, like Steve Mackey, “What if I become my wildest dreams?” (like the Nina of 2024 did)

Perhaps you’re one of them?

Why you need systems to achieve your goals

Why you need systems to achieve your goals

Recently I had the opportunity to chat with Monica Pierre on her show

The Powerhouse Woman Show

It was a great conversation

(Which I knew it would be since we hit it off so well when we met in Paris in October)

And during it, she asked me about the person who has most influenced my entrepreneurial journey: my mum