How to leverage your network for PR success

How to leverage your network for PR success

I always feel blessed and honoured whenever I have the opportunity to share my story in publications like Addicted to Success and Black Ballad. But, what brings me greater joy is the opportunity to share how I’ve done it with women like yourself

So, keep reading to learn how to get your foot in the door and, ultimately, be a consistent feature in major publications

SPOILER ALERT: the secret to your success is something you already possess because...

4 Steps to Creating Epic Content

4 Steps to Creating Epic Content

According to Andrew Davis (bestselling author and internationally acclaimed keynote speaker), content marketing is important because “content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust [and] trust drives revenue.” In line with this, Disney's documentary on Stan Lee (aptly named after him) is a masterclass on exactly what it takes to achieve those results in your business (whether you are creating content on your own platforms or other’s) as it relates to the following principles:

What I'd tell my younger self about PR

What I'd tell my younger self about PR

Last month my dad turned 70

As he dropped me off to the station after his celebration dinner, I asked him 2 questions: "How does it feel to be 70?" and "what advice do you have for younger people?"

Listening to his answers, captured in this video, it was really apparent to me that he was answering this question with his younger self in mind.

This got me thinking about what I would tell my younger self about getting started with PR and I think it would be this:

How to find your why and achieve your PR goals

How to find your why and achieve your PR goals

Last week we talked about the fact that despite what we’re commonly told, simply setting your goals or having a clear vision for what you want for 2024 isn’t enough to keep you on track

Remember that,? If not, will you check that post out here?

Which is why as you set your goals or create that vision board, it's important to consider the why behind every goal

Not sure how?

The 5 WHYS Technique is one of my favourite journaling prompts because it has helped me and my clients stay consistent and accountable with achieving our goals - even when motivation runs a little dry

So, whether you want to start or grow your business, get PR success, or travel the world - the 5 WHYS technique can help you identify the core reason behind your aspirations. What’s great is that it’s super simple. Just grab a pen and notebook and ask yourself why you want to achieve a particular goal. Ask yourself this question 5 times to get to the core why.

Here's an example of how that works in practice...

Goal setting? Don't forget this key step for PR success

Goal setting? Don't forget this key step for PR success

We’re only 21 days from 2024, and IT’S TIMMMMMMME (in my Mariah Carey voice) to set our goals for the brand-new year.

Reflecting on 2023 and the goals I’d set for myself, I know there’s one thing that kept me going regardless of the challenges life threw at me along the way.

So, if you are currently setting life, business or PR goals, here's the key to helping you to accomplish them:

3 things that’ll get you featured in major publications in 2024

3 things that’ll get you featured in major publications in 2024

Whenever you use a sat nav or GPS, not only does it make you input where you want to go (your destination), it makes you state where you are (your location) so that it can direct you properly. My aim, with this post, is to do the same thing for you and your PR journey so that you can move from your current situation to ticking off all the platforms of your dreams in the new year (and beyond)! Doing so requires these 3 steps:

How to increase your confidence for PR success

How to increase your confidence for PR success

Typically, when would-be clients say that they don’t feel confident seeking PR they mean one of three things (if not all of them):

1.    I’m not sure who would want to hear my story

2.    I don’t know what stories resonate and therefore what to pitch

3.    There are certain levels of PR I haven’t experienced and so don’t feel confident about pursuing

The first two statements are easily rectified through coaching, templates, swipe copy, scripts and a bespoke PR plan, as will be provided at Media Magic (my retreat for business women, experts, coaches and authors who want to uncover a quick and systemised process to pitch the media so that they can get onto more top platforms, be seen as industry experts, and start raking in larger paydays) on July 25th-29th, 2024.


The third statement is more of an inside job because “I can give you the exact steps and strategy, but if your mindset and your psychology are not in it, it’s not going to work” (Holly Haynes).

When it comes to mindset, one of the things that a lack of confidence can cause is anxiety but, as I once heard, “the opposite of anxiety is not calm, it’s trust”. What this all comes down to is this question- although you may not have experienced the levels of PR that you want now, do you trust that once you have been exposed to the tools and strategies that you need to get there, you will implement them?

If the answer is “no,” your lack of confidence will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. If the answer is “yes,” though, you can expect outcomes like Margaret, who said: