media pitch

How PR changed my life

How PR changed my life

If you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen that I recently went live with the lovely Gladys Obaze
She's a coach and brand strategist who helps creative women heal, grow, and build thriving, and authentic brands that attract success

One of the questions she asked me was how PR has helped me


The short answer: it changed my life

The longer version?

How to leverage your network for PR success

How to leverage your network for PR success

I always feel blessed and honoured whenever I have the opportunity to share my story in publications like Addicted to Success and Black Ballad. But, what brings me greater joy is the opportunity to share how I’ve done it with women like yourself

So, keep reading to learn how to get your foot in the door and, ultimately, be a consistent feature in major publications

SPOILER ALERT: the secret to your success is something you already possess because...

What I'd tell my younger self about PR

What I'd tell my younger self about PR

Last month my dad turned 70

As he dropped me off to the station after his celebration dinner, I asked him 2 questions: "How does it feel to be 70?" and "what advice do you have for younger people?"

Listening to his answers, captured in this video, it was really apparent to me that he was answering this question with his younger self in mind.

This got me thinking about what I would tell my younger self about getting started with PR and I think it would be this:

How a solid PR strategy is your key to greater time freedom

How a solid PR strategy is your key to greater time freedom

Last year, I went on a retreat to Panama. It was a really great trip. Apart from the fact that I made really great friendships and learned a lot of things from the influencers and people who spoke, one of the greatest things to come out of that trip was a conversation I had with two of the other attendees (Natasha and Christina) on the last day. We were sat down at breakfast and Natasha asked us whether we had any good book recommendations.

I recommended one of my favourites, We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers, while Christina recommended The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. What's very interesting about The 4-Hour Workweek is that ever since I've been an entrepreneur, I feel like, I've been hearing about that book- but I always kind of dismissed it as being too gimmicky. But as she broke it down and talked about some of the concepts in the book, I thought "Oh! Actually, this sounds really, really interesting!" and so, pretty much as soon as I arrived back in England, it was one of the first books that I read.

One of my favourite lessons from The 4-Hour Workweek is The 80/20 Rule or the Pareto Principle, which explains how 80% of all effects or outcomes come from 20% of causes.

With this in mind, according to Ferriss, we should 80/20 our lives. For example, you can find the 20% in your business that makes you the most money or the 20% in your life that brings you the most happiness, and focus on that because that 20% will bring about the results that you want more effectively and efficiently than continuing to do #allthethings.

Let’s bring this back to content marketing

How many of us create TikToks, IG story content, feed content, weekly blog posts and more to draw an audience that will hopefully turn into customers? We've all heard that content is king but nobody talks about how much time and work it is or how demotivating it feels to get zero to no engagement when you've given it your all. How can we reach an audience, create know, like, and trust with them, and turn it into sales without having our reach limited by a pesky algorithm? Well, by creating a solid PR strategy because that's your 20%.

How to get Media Opportunities Delivered Straight into your Inbox

How to get Media Opportunities Delivered Straight into your Inbox

PR has many benefits including:

  • Positioning you as an expert in your field

  • Increasing your authority and credibility

  • Giving you a larger platform to share your influence, thought leadership and message on

  • Increasing your followers, subscribers and fanbase

  • Exposing you to your ideal clients- keeping you booked, busy and making bank

Shrinking from media opportunities is not only holding you back from these benefits:

It's stopping you making the amount of money that will allow you to have the kind of lifestyle and freedom that you want.

It's stopping you from living out your purpose and feeling fulfilled in life.

But- more than that- it's robbing the people that you are called to serve of achieving the breakthrough that only you are uniquely designed to give them.

Not sure where to find media opportunities so that you can stop this negative cycle? No problem!

How to stay committed to your PR Goals

How to stay committed to your PR Goals

If you follow me on social media, you would have seen that I recently went to Germany for my friend's beautiful wedding.

In the few weeks leading up to her big day, my dear friend and soon-to-be bride, Kelly, asked if I could read a prayer at her ceremony. I was honoured, and of course, I said YES!

My first thought when she asked me was that all I needed to do was read a verse from The Bible. I was a little mistaken and would soon realise this, thanks to a message from the best man. Fast-forward to a couple of messages later, and worry starting to kick in (lol), I learned that it wasn't a reading of the word that Kelly needed from me. She wanted me to write a few lines that I would say in front of the congregation!

I won't lie; I was a little nervous because I was wondering what I could possibly say to the bride and groom. So, I took a few days to think about it, and these are the words that came to my heart and landed on my page:

Why PR is for you NOW!

Why PR is for you NOW!

I remember when I was in secondary (or high) school and my chemistry teacher, Mr Williams, practised something called “peer teaching”.

So, what this would look like is, if I managed to solve a problem or really impress him with my work, he would have me come up to the board, write out how I solved the equation and talk both him and my classmates through my process.

But the reason that he wanted me to do this wasn't because he thought I was a science genius, but because he wanted to:

  • Check my understanding (or that I didn’t cheat!)

  • Give the class the opportunity to hear an explanation in language that they could understand and relate to

I say all of this to say that a lot of the time, when it comes to PR, we tend to feel that it’s for people who have “arrived”- making us feel that we we need to wait to:

  • Become more of an expert

  • Gain more experience

  • Jump through a bunch of hoops to prove ourselves before diving in (or further)

But my teacher was calling me to the front of the class to help my classmates, that wasn't an issue or what he was even looking for.

He didn’t wait for me to get a degree or years of experience in his chosen field.

What he wanted was someone who knew just a bit more than his other students and could share it effectively. And that's all you need when it comes to PR too!

In other words…

5 things holding women back in PR

5 things holding women back in PR

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m a HUGE Disney fan!

The film that started it all? The Little Mermaid, which I got for my 5th birthday.

One of the things that I love about Disney movies is that they typically have deep, inspirational messages that can be applied to everyday life. The Little Mermaid is no exception.

In case you’re unfamiliar with the story, here’s an example of that:

Ariel (The Little Mermaid) dreams of being human.

When she falls in love with Prince Eric, she goes to Ursula (the sea witch) for the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Become human forever

  2. See Eric again, get him to fall in love with her and seal it with a kiss

Ursula agrees to help Ariel, but the gag (catch) is that:

She wants Ariel’s voice as collateral

  1. Ariel will only have 3 days to find Eric and experience true love’s kiss

Without that kiss, not only will Ariel not get her happily ever after, she’ll be Ursula’s prisoner forever.

I know what you’re thinking, “How do mermaids, sea witches and having magic spells broken by true love’s kiss relate to my life, Nina?”

Well, the truth is that we all have Ursulas in our lives- even you

Your Ursula may not be a plus-sized purple octopus with a powerful singing voice like Ariel but, as a woman, there are plenty of things vying to sabotage your visibility dreams and steal your voice.

In fact, there are 5 voice stealers that personally stopped me showing up before I learned the tools needed to overcome them.

I recorded a video (below) about them because I don’t want the same things that stopped me from stepping out into the spotlight to also stop you.