How PR changed my life

If you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen that I recently went live with the lovely Gladys Obaze
She's a coach and brand strategist who helps creative women heal, grow, and build thriving, and authentic brands that attract success

One of the questions she asked me was how PR has helped me


The short answer: it changed my life

The longer version?

I started PR seeking to grow my visibility
I had just created a blog where I was highlighting the stories of the women of the Bible- stories often not spoken about in church. But, I quickly realised that very few people were reading my blog because no one knew about it. And this is when I learned one of the biggest PR myths: Just because you build it, doesn’t mean people will come. Anyway...

I saw a post on a Nigerian blog by Chimamanda Adichie. The comment section sparked outrage in me and left me less worried about how I’d be perceived and more concerned about sharing my story
This was the first time I wasn’t hiding behind writing about the women of the Bible. This time, I was telling my story and expressing, very honestly, how I felt.

In a fit of anger and passion, I typed an article, sent it off to Relevant Magazine, and didn’t think anything of it until my email list noticeably started growing. And lo and behold it was because it had been published and was going viral!
It ended up being shared over 2000 times and got translated into other languages, such as Portuguese, on other international platforms

I got a bunch of emails from women who felt seen and could relate to what I was saying They then started expressing how they, like me, wanted to find their purpose, share their stories, and use their voices.

I was asked to be a mentor and coach by some of these women, and this is when I realised what my purpose and calling were and the impact I could make through PR
So, like I said, PR has changed my life. It changed the trajectory of my blog and would be the catalyst, years later, of Media Magic (my retreat for business women, experts, coaches and authors who want to uncover a quick and systemised process to pitch the media so that they can get onto more top platforms, be seen as industry experts, and start raking in larger paydays)

Finding your purpose, knowing your why, and the importance of sharing our stories are just some of the things I talked to Gladys about during our live
We also talked about:

  • My journey from being trained as a speech therapist to transitioning to PR

  • How a dream helped me find my purpose

  • The advice I’d give to younger Nina and other women

  • How visibility starts with simply showing up and sharing your message

  • What PR is

  • The biggest PR myths and how to overcome them

  • The power of using your voice

  • Overcoming mindset blocks

  • How telling your authentic story will connect people to you and your business

  • The importance of remembering your “WHY”

  • Vanity vs impact when seeking to grow visibility

  • Impact versus income

  • How branding and PR work together

  • Overcoming productivity anxiety

  • How life lessons can be business lessons

  • Why your purpose is not a race

  • What’s next for Media Magic

Will you check it out here?

PS) Ready to get more visible, attract your dream clients and get paid what you want but don’t know how? I'd like to personally invite you to join me at Media Magic, my retreat where I will be taking you through my system for PR success (The PR Powerhouse Playbook). Will you RSVP by joining here?