time freedom

How a solid PR strategy is your key to greater time freedom

How a solid PR strategy is your key to greater time freedom

Last year, I went on a retreat to Panama. It was a really great trip. Apart from the fact that I made really great friendships and learned a lot of things from the influencers and people who spoke, one of the greatest things to come out of that trip was a conversation I had with two of the other attendees (Natasha and Christina) on the last day. We were sat down at breakfast and Natasha asked us whether we had any good book recommendations.

I recommended one of my favourites, We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers, while Christina recommended The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. What's very interesting about The 4-Hour Workweek is that ever since I've been an entrepreneur, I feel like, I've been hearing about that book- but I always kind of dismissed it as being too gimmicky. But as she broke it down and talked about some of the concepts in the book, I thought "Oh! Actually, this sounds really, really interesting!" and so, pretty much as soon as I arrived back in England, it was one of the first books that I read.

One of my favourite lessons from The 4-Hour Workweek is The 80/20 Rule or the Pareto Principle, which explains how 80% of all effects or outcomes come from 20% of causes.

With this in mind, according to Ferriss, we should 80/20 our lives. For example, you can find the 20% in your business that makes you the most money or the 20% in your life that brings you the most happiness, and focus on that because that 20% will bring about the results that you want more effectively and efficiently than continuing to do #allthethings.

Let’s bring this back to content marketing

How many of us create TikToks, IG story content, feed content, weekly blog posts and more to draw an audience that will hopefully turn into customers? We've all heard that content is king but nobody talks about how much time and work it is or how demotivating it feels to get zero to no engagement when you've given it your all. How can we reach an audience, create know, like, and trust with them, and turn it into sales without having our reach limited by a pesky algorithm? Well, by creating a solid PR strategy because that's your 20%.