
An Interview with Victoria on Mary (the Mother of Jesus)

An Interview with Victoria on Mary (the Mother of Jesus)

Today's interview installment comes from the lovely Victoria, whose favourite woman of the Bible is Mary (the mother of Jesus). Read on to gain her deep insights into the many things that this matriarch of the faith can teach us, as modern women of God.

An Interview with Mary DeMuth on Mary of Bethany

An Interview with Mary DeMuth on Mary of Bethany

Today's interview installment comes from Mary DeMuth of, where she shares the inspirational "restorying" process that God has taken her and other people through. Read on as she discusses Mary of Bethany (her favourite woman of the Bible) and what we, as modern women, can learn from her:

An Interview with Salina Gibson on Hannah

An Interview with Salina Gibson on Hannah

Today's interview comes from Salina Gibson of where she shares her thoughts and reflections through devotionals, tackling subjects such as infertility as well as many others. Bearing this in mind, Salina has a powerful and personal affinity for Hannah (who is her favourite woman of the Bible). Read on as she shares this as well as what we, as modern women, can learn from her:

An Interview with S'ambrosia on Abigail

An Interview with S'ambrosia on Abigail

Today's interview comes from the amazing S'ambrosia of From Kansas to Kenya with Love- where she blogs about her experience of moving to Kenya to minister with her (Kenyan) husband, despite being an African-American woman born and bred in Kansas. 

I find her writing and honesty about navigating this dynamic, as well as marriage/life in general, so refreshing- and her contribution today is no different. With that being said, read on as S'ambrosia discusses why Abigail is her favourite woman of the Bible and what we, as modern Christian women, can learn from her:

An Interview with Dija Henry on Ruth

An Interview with Dija Henry on Ruth

Today's interview feature comes from the lovely Dija Henry, an actress, writer and film maker. You can find out more about her and her exciting projects at For now, enjoy as she discusses Ruth (her favourite woman of the Bible) and what the events of her life teach us, as modern women:

Lessons from The Woman in Timnah on Learning from Mistakes

Lessons from The Woman in Timnah on Learning from Mistakes

For the last 2 weeks we have been studying the women in Samson's life. So far we've looked at:

  1. His mother: and what she had to teach us about leading by example
  2. Delilah: and her example of being persistent in our (prayer) requests to God

But there was one more woman of significance in Samson's life, who tends not to be spoken about. Like many women of the Bible, including his mother, she is nameless. As such, the Bible only identifies her by where she came from in Judges 14:1- "a woman in Timnah of the daughters of the Philistines".

What I find interesting about this woman is that she came before Delilah; yet there are many parallels between the 2 of them:

An Interview with Isata on Mary (The mother of Jesus)

An Interview with Isata on Mary (The mother of Jesus)

Today's interview installment comes from my friend and "big sister," Isata. This lovely lady is a youth worker with a real heart for helping young people holistically to promote their emotional, mental, physical as well as spiritual growth and well-being. She is also an administrator and mother one, which really ties into her affinity with Mary (the mother of Jesus). Read on as she explains why Mary is her favourite woman of the Bible and what we can learn from her:

An Interview with Alyssa Braddix on Mary (Martha's sister)

An Interview with Alyssa Braddix on Mary (Martha's sister)

Today's interview feature comes from Alyssa Braddix who previously blogged at Read on as she discusses Mary (of Mary and Martha fame), her favourite woman of the Bible, how she ties into her own personal testimony and what we as modern women can learn from Mary's example: