distraction elimination

Lessons from Abigail on how to let God fight your battles

Lessons from Abigail on how to let God fight your battles

So, last week we began talking about the lessons that Sarah teaches us about how to let God fight our battles. During that conversation, I talked a lot about:

  • God's role as our avenger

  • His willingness and ability to fight for us.

  • How He uses our battles for our ultimate good and so on

What I didn't do a lot of talking about, however, is our role in all of this.

Yes, lovely!

Although it's God's job to avenge us and fight our battles, this does not mean that we get to rest on our laurels and chill.

Oh no, as Hebrews 12:15 warns us, when someone hurts us "roots of bitterness" can "spring up," "cause trouble" and "defile" us. It is therefore our responsibility to do everything we can to ensure that, whilst God is fighting our battles, we are making a conscious decision to become better rather than bitter. As such, I did a follow-up message to last week's one explaining the exact steps that we must take to make this happen according to Abigail (in 1st Samuel 25).

I also talked about:

  • The why, how and when of praying for our enemies (even though it's hard and we don't want to!)

  • The common myth/misconception of "forgive and forget" and what to do instead

  • And more- all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

Lessons from Sarah on how to let God fight your battles

Lessons from Sarah on how to let God fight your battles

One of my favourite Nelson Mandela quotes is:

"You must believe in the dark what God showed you in the light"

This is because a lot of the time, although a call to purpose can feel quite motivating, inspirational and even euphoric in the moment- to use another quote:

 "The night is dark and full of terrors".

No, this is not just an excuse to quote Game of Thrones (one of my favourite TV shows) I'm going somewhere with this!

I say that to say, the path to purpose is an uphill journey (which can feel like a dark night) and- as with any ascension- we should expect oppositional forces (or terrors) along the way.

The Mandela quote is important, then, because it can be very tempting to get distracted, side-tracked or even want to give up when the initial light (motivation, inspiration and faith) surrounding God's call to purpose is being overshadowed by such darkness. This is especially true when that opposition is taking the shape of criticism, slander or a lack of support from loved ones because our distraction etc can come in the form of wanting to defend ourselves. However, as the events of Sarah's life shows us in Genesis 12, we don't need to do that because God is willing and able to fight for us.

As such, I discussed what we can glean from Sarah regarding:

  • How to let God fight for you so that you can continue to thrive in purpose (no matter the opposition)

  • How God uses these dark periods for our ultimate good

  • And more- all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

See? I told you I was going somewhere! Lol

Lessons from the 10 Virgins on how to set healthy boundaries in relationships

Lessons from the 10 Virgins on how to set healthy boundaries in relationships

So last week, I was led to Matthew 25 where Jesus told the parable of the 10 virgins. As such, I told you all about what I had learned from this story on:

In keeping with this, plus our recent discussions about relationships (here and here), we are going to be talking about what these 10 hypothetical women have to teach us about setting healthy boundaries in relationships in terms of:

  • Why it's important

  • How to do it (in 5 simple steps!)

So that you can truly speak up, step out and shine as the woman of God that He ordained you to be- - all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

An Interview with Mary DeMuth on Mary of Bethany

An Interview with Mary DeMuth on Mary of Bethany

Today's interview installment comes from Mary DeMuth of Marydeuth.com, where she shares the inspirational "restorying" process that God has taken her and other people through. Read on as she discusses Mary of Bethany (her favourite woman of the Bible) and what we, as modern women, can learn from her:

Lessons from The Woman in Timnah on Learning from Mistakes

Lessons from The Woman in Timnah on Learning from Mistakes

For the last 2 weeks we have been studying the women in Samson's life. So far we've looked at:

  1. His mother: and what she had to teach us about leading by example
  2. Delilah: and her example of being persistent in our (prayer) requests to God

But there was one more woman of significance in Samson's life, who tends not to be spoken about. Like many women of the Bible, including his mother, she is nameless. As such, the Bible only identifies her by where she came from in Judges 14:1- "a woman in Timnah of the daughters of the Philistines".

What I find interesting about this woman is that she came before Delilah; yet there are many parallels between the 2 of them:

An Interview with Robin Revis Pyke on Martha

An Interview with Robin Revis Pyke on Martha

Today's interview comes from Robin Revis Pyke of Robinality.com, "an online community for sharing stories and experiences with like-minded women; a nurturing place to grow". Read as she shares her take on Martha (her favourite woman of the Bible), how she ties in to her testimony and what we, as modern women, can learn from Martha: