people pleasing

Lessons from the 10 Virgins on how to set healthy boundaries in relationships

Lessons from the 10 Virgins on how to set healthy boundaries in relationships

So last week, I was led to Matthew 25 where Jesus told the parable of the 10 virgins. As such, I told you all about what I had learned from this story on:

In keeping with this, plus our recent discussions about relationships (here and here), we are going to be talking about what these 10 hypothetical women have to teach us about setting healthy boundaries in relationships in terms of:

  • Why it's important

  • How to do it (in 5 simple steps!)

So that you can truly speak up, step out and shine as the woman of God that He ordained you to be- - all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

How to balance career and family as a mother with Lauren Whitworth

How to balance career and family as a mother with Lauren Whitworth

In today's interview, I will be talking about how to balance career and family as a mother with the amazing Lauren Whitworth (of 

By the end of this video you will know:

  • Whether women can have it all (i.e can they thrive as career/business women as well as mothers) and how?
  • How to bust through the myth of (achieving) balance to manage the "tensions" in your life
  • How to be more present with your children (using Lauren's 10 minute interval method)
  • And much more!

Sound like your cup of tea, lovely?

Great! You can do whatever it is you need to do to get comfortable and press play to access this awesome conversation, below:

Lessons from Eve On Stewardship

Lessons from Eve On Stewardship

Just before my 26th birthday, people started to nudge me about “the next stage in life” (i.e. marriage and children), implying that this would be my ultimate stamp of womanhood. The problem? I had my reservations. Why? Well, I guess this is what happens when you grow up seeing most of your female role-models sell themselves short or stay in abusive situations due to factors such as tradition, control and low self-worth.


You see, as much as my elders loved me and invested me with great skills and values, I didn’t have any older women (in my immediate circle) that I really looked at and felt that I wanted to be like, or have a relationship similar to. I knew this to be true of most of the people in my social circle too; yet I saw many women of my age group taking up the mantle of our fore-runners and repeating their history.

And that’s how I came to my crossroads…

I didn’t want to conform to social norms, building my future on the opinions of men and repeating their histories (as I’d seen others do). I wanted to become the woman God had ordained me to be; so, I became really interested in comparing these notions to what the Bible had to say about topics such as women, womanhood and my purpose as one.

I literally decided to go through the Bible looking at each woman and the spiritual truths we can garner from their stories, which is what started my passion for the women of the Bible (but especially Eve). My book, “The Ultimate Guide to Eve,” is basically a collation of my findings. Here is an excerpt on what Eve teaches us about the fact that we are called to rule:

An Interview with Robin Revis Pyke on Martha

An Interview with Robin Revis Pyke on Martha

Today's interview comes from Robin Revis Pyke of, "an online community for sharing stories and experiences with like-minded women; a nurturing place to grow". Read as she shares her take on Martha (her favourite woman of the Bible), how she ties in to her testimony and what we, as modern women, can learn from Martha:

An Interview with Maggz Edefah on Hannah

An Interview with Maggz Edefah on Hannah

Today;s interview comes from a very close; personal friend of mine- Margaret (Maggz) Okiemute Edefah. In her own words:

"I am a:

  • Blessed woman of God on a beautiful journey of self discovery. I am loving it! The lord has been good.
  • Into the ministry of being faithful and passing on wisdom to women from great mentors I look up to, to build their God given purposes.
  • Currently working in the food industry in quality assurance. However I am making strides to work for myself and prove that, with the faith of a mustard seed, it is possible to have the life that I dream of everyday.
  • I live by the principle, with GOD all things are possible.
  • My fave scripture right now is: prov 5:15-23."

Now that you have been properly introduced, read as she explains why Hannah is her favourite woman of the Bible and what we, as modern women, can learn from her.

An Interview with Donna on Martha

An Interview with Donna on Martha

Today's interview comes from the lovely Donna of, where she uses her blog as a platform to encourage people in their faith in Jesus Christ. Read on as Donna expands upon Martha (her favourite woman of the Bible), why she can identify with her and what we, as modern women, can learn from Martha and implement in our everyday lives: