
How to pray and discern the voice of God with Destiny Thomas

How to pray and discern the voice of God with Destiny Thomas

In today's interview, I will be talking about how to pray and discern the voice of God with none other than the amazing Destiny Thomas, who is an author, motivational speaker and a prayer and discernment coach.

By the end of this video you will know:

  • Some common misconceptions about prayer and how to avoid them

  • How to pray and discern the voice of God

  • And much more!

Sound like your cup of tea, lovely?

Great! You can do whatever it is you need to do to get comfortable and press play to access this awesome conversation, below:

An Interview with Wanda on Hannah

An Interview with Wanda on Hannah

Today's interview feature comes from Wanda of the Wateredsoul.com, where she "shares her thoughts on the three B(s): Bible, Books and Blogging (from a faith perspective)". Read on as she discusses Hannah, her favourite woman of the Bible and what we, as modern women, can learn from her.

An Interview with Salina Gibson on Hannah

An Interview with Salina Gibson on Hannah

Today's interview comes from Salina Gibson of Heartreflected.com- where she shares her thoughts and reflections through devotionals, tackling subjects such as infertility as well as many others. Bearing this in mind, Salina has a powerful and personal affinity for Hannah (who is her favourite woman of the Bible). Read on as she shares this as well as what we, as modern women, can learn from her:

An Interview with Maggz Edefah on Hannah

An Interview with Maggz Edefah on Hannah

Today;s interview comes from a very close; personal friend of mine- Margaret (Maggz) Okiemute Edefah. In her own words:

"I am a:

  • Blessed woman of God on a beautiful journey of self discovery. I am loving it! The lord has been good.
  • Into the ministry of being faithful and passing on wisdom to women from great mentors I look up to, to build their God given purposes.
  • Currently working in the food industry in quality assurance. However I am making strides to work for myself and prove that, with the faith of a mustard seed, it is possible to have the life that I dream of everyday.
  • I live by the principle, with GOD all things are possible.
  • My fave scripture right now is: prov 5:15-23."

Now that you have been properly introduced, read as she explains why Hannah is her favourite woman of the Bible and what we, as modern women, can learn from her.

An Interview with Tiny oN 5 Things We can Learn from the Women of the Bible

An Interview with Tiny oN 5 Things We can Learn from the Women of the Bible

In today's interview we highlight the amazing Tiny, who has a huge heart for people and supporting them holistically (in terms of health; well-being etc)- great qualities for someone who works within the medical arena! As a self-professed "encourager" with a strong belief in the power of cultivating a positive mindset, I believe that you will gain much from Tiny's insight on Hannah, Esther, Martha, Mary and Jael (in addition to the 5 things that can be learned from them, and women of the Bible in general):

An Interview with Michelle Shaw on Ruth and Hannah

An Interview with Michelle Shaw on Ruth and Hannah

Today's interview installment comes from a really dear and beloved friend of mine, Michelle Shaw- without whom this blog may not have come into existence (because the firm talking to she gave me a few years ago- basically telling me to stop complaining about my present circumstances and make more use of my gifts- was one of the catalysts to me writing in this particular niche).

This blessed woman of God, like most of us, balances many roles. She is a pillar in her community, working as a teacher by profession in addition to serving her church as a minister in training and much more- all while balancing her familial duties as a mother, sister, daughter, auntie, cousin, friend and (most recently) grandma! The depth of wisdom provided in her interview is therefore just as multifaceted, given that she chose to discuss her two favourite women of the Bible (Ruth and Hannah) and how they reflect the many different seasons we may encounter, as women, along our faith walk: