How to pray and discern the voice of God with Destiny Thomas

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In today's interview, I will be talking about how to pray and discern the voice of God with none other than the amazing Destiny Thomas, who is an author, motivational speaker and a prayer and discernment coach.

By the end of this video you will know:

  • Some common misconceptions about prayer and how to avoid them

  • How to pray and discern the voice of God

  • And much more!

Sound like your cup of tea, lovely?

Great! You can do whatever it is you need to do to get comfortable and press play to access this awesome conversation, below:

Uploaded by Far Above Rubies Collection on 2018-12-07.


  • Introducing Destiny Thomas

  • Destiny’s journey to becoming an author, motivational speaker; prayer and discernment coach

  • Common misconceptions about prayer and how to avoid them

  • Tips and tricks for the person who is feeling called out of their comfort zone and into entrepreneurship

  • How Destiny’s infertility journey influenced her prayer life

  • Destiny’s advice for ladies who may currently be on their own infertility journey

  • Final words of encouragement


"A lot of people are under the impression that prayer has to be done by your pastor or someone of a higher authority in church, but God wants us all to have an intimate prayer life with Him” (Destiny Thomas)

“Be in tune with [God]; learn how to hear [His] voice. Instead of calling out for [Him] to get [you] out of [your] situations, why not seek [His] face and talk to [Him] daily to avoid getting in it at all” (Destiny Thomas)

“Most of the things that God wants to bless us with requires some action from us” (Destiny Thomas)

“God will always bless your obedience before He blesses your disobedience” (Destiny Thomas)

“A lot of the times we want the blessing without transformation- and you can’t have it that way!” (Destiny Thomas)



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