
Lessons from Abigail on how to choose faith over fear

Lessons from Abigail on how to choose faith over fear

So last week we started talking about Abigail- namely what her actions (as recounted in 1st Samuel 25:2-44) teach us about how to let God fight our battles.

On delving deeper into this same passage, I noticed that there are also great lessons to be learned here about what it takes to choose faith over fear because- let's be honest- walking in purpose to birth the vision, business or whatever it is that God told you to do is scary!

Manifesting vision requires us to do new things, meet new people and draws us into new arenas. It costs us old habits, mindsets and maybe even relationships. In short, it will take you waaaay outside of your comfort zone!

Here's the thing, though:

"[Your] breakthrough lies on the other side of fear" (Will Smith)

There's just no avoiding it, lovely! But don't worry, like I said earlier, Abigail's got us covered. As such, I did a follow-up message to last week's one explaining the exact steps that we must take to make this happen, i.e.:

  1. Make a decision

  2. Confront your fear

  3. Have a strategy

  4. Take action- all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

Lessons from Abigail on how to let God fight your battles

Lessons from Abigail on how to let God fight your battles

So, last week we began talking about the lessons that Sarah teaches us about how to let God fight our battles. During that conversation, I talked a lot about:

  • God's role as our avenger

  • His willingness and ability to fight for us.

  • How He uses our battles for our ultimate good and so on

What I didn't do a lot of talking about, however, is our role in all of this.

Yes, lovely!

Although it's God's job to avenge us and fight our battles, this does not mean that we get to rest on our laurels and chill.

Oh no, as Hebrews 12:15 warns us, when someone hurts us "roots of bitterness" can "spring up," "cause trouble" and "defile" us. It is therefore our responsibility to do everything we can to ensure that, whilst God is fighting our battles, we are making a conscious decision to become better rather than bitter. As such, I did a follow-up message to last week's one explaining the exact steps that we must take to make this happen according to Abigail (in 1st Samuel 25).

I also talked about:

  • The why, how and when of praying for our enemies (even though it's hard and we don't want to!)

  • The common myth/misconception of "forgive and forget" and what to do instead

  • And more- all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

An Interview with S'ambrosia on Abigail

An Interview with S'ambrosia on Abigail

Today's interview comes from the amazing S'ambrosia of From Kansas to Kenya with Love- where she blogs about her experience of moving to Kenya to minister with her (Kenyan) husband, despite being an African-American woman born and bred in Kansas. 

I find her writing and honesty about navigating this dynamic, as well as marriage/life in general, so refreshing- and her contribution today is no different. With that being said, read on as S'ambrosia discusses why Abigail is her favourite woman of the Bible and what we, as modern Christian women, can learn from her:

An Interview with Jolynn on Abigail

An Interview with Jolynn on Abigail

Today we have an interview with Jolynn of Jesus-in-my-heart.tumblr.com, where she shares scripture and inspirational quotes. Read on as she talks about her admiration for Abigail (her favourite woman of the Bible) and what we, as modern women can learn from her.

An Interview with Jennie Goutet on Abigail

An Interview with Jennie Goutet on Abigail

Today it is my pleasure to introduce you to Jennie Goutet, a woman of many talents! Jennie Goutet is the author of the coming-to-faith memoir "Stars Upside Down: a memoir of travel, grief, and an incandescent God". She also blogs over at aladyinfrance.com, where she writes about her experience as an American living in France with her husband and three children, shares her love of cooking (via recipes for gluten-free; alcohol-free French food), her travel experiences and, of course, her faith in God. Read her observations on Abigail (her favourite woman of the Bible), the importance of living her truth and longing to "be a peacemaker for God" below: