
How to optimise your website for PR success

How to optimise your website for PR success

As mentioned in last week’s post, once you pitch an editor or influencer for the opportunity to appear on their platform, one of the first places that they look to qualify you is your website

In this way, your website can either be a PR magnet or a PR repellent.

Want to make sure it's a PR magnet?

Follow the steps below:

Lessons from Esther on how to get on the radar of influencers in your industry/niche

Lessons from Esther on how to get on the radar of influencers in your industry/niche

There are some seats at the table that you have to be invited to rather than create yourself

This is known as vertical networking. For example, Esther would not have been able to get her audience with the king and save her people if she hadn’t first gotten on his radar as described in Esther 5:1-2:

“Now it happened on the third day [of her fast] that Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the king’s palace, across from the king’s house, while the king sat on his royal throne... So it was, when the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court, that she found favour in his sight, and… Esther went near [to speak to him]”

But how do we get close enough to the influencers within our industries to get on their radars in this new digital age?

How do we get to their inner courts, so to speak?

By being an asset to them and/or they’re community through:

Lessons from Esther on the difference between influence and manipulation

Lessons from Esther on the difference between influence and manipulation

Last week we talked about the importance of giving before you get when it comes to leveraging our relationships through networking

This was something that Esther did with the King by throwing him 2 wine banquets before she so much as broached the subject of saving her people. Click here if you missed that, sis

Which is known as harnessing the law of reciprocity

Here’s the thing, though…

There is a thin line between harnessing the law of reciprocity and being manipulative

Which is yet another reason that networking gets the reputation of being icky and gross

Here are some key differences between the 2:

lessons from esther on why you shouldn’t feel bad about promoting yourself

lessons from esther on why you shouldn’t feel bad about promoting yourself

Within my Facebook group, Women of Influence, we have weekly expert interviews

We also discuss all things netowrking and PR here.

One of my favourite ways to end the interviews is by asking guests who their favourite woman of the Bible is and why

And whilst I’ve had a variety of facinating answers and testimonies…

Esther, without a doubt, takes the crown for the one that gets named the most

The scripute that’s most synonymous with her? “Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Found in Esther 4:14

A rallying cry that came from her uncle, Mordecai, to encourage Esther to use her power, privelage and position in service of her people

A word that not only confronted Esther with her significance and purpose but confronts us with our own because…

It also let’s us know that:

Lessons from Miriam on How to be a Woman of Influence

Lessons from Miriam on How to be a Woman of Influence

When you hear the word “influencer,” sis, what comes to mind?

Is it:

  • Someone who travels to beautiful countries and takes gorgeous pictures?

  • Is it someone who has 10.5 million followers on social media and/or their email list?

  • Is it someone with multiple brand deals?

  • Is it someone who’s always seen to be rubbing shoulders with mainstream celebrities and/or those within your industry?

If that’s what comes to mind, I can’t say that I blame you, because that is what most people mean when they use the word “influencer” today. Here’s the thing, though-

Despite the images of influence that we’re often bombarded with, it’s actually a huge responsibility

I mean…

The definition of influence tells us so!

For example…

Lessons from Miriam and Pharaoh's Daughter on how to be a woman of influence

Lessons from Miriam and Pharaoh's Daughter on how to be a woman of influence

So if you follow me on Facebook and Instagram, lovely, you would have seen that I was named 1 of 101 Women of Influence! Receiving this honour also got me thinking about what it means to be a woman of influence from a Biblical perspective, especially because:

  • God promotes us so that we can ultimately promote Him

  • There are many scriptures that say that we, as the church, are supposed to influence the world in order to bring them to Christ (e.g. Ephesians 1:23, Matthew 13:33 and Mark 16:14-18)

  • Every God-sized vision is going to require a team (so you will need to know how to go about being influential so that others will help make your vision a reality)

When I started to think about the how or the blueprint to becoming a woman of influence, I found myself back in Exodus 2 because Miriam and Pharaoh’s Daughter displayed the very definition of “influence”- which is:

“The action or process of producing effects on the actions, behaviour, opinions etc of another or others”

I shared all of this and more via the (live) video below.

Lessons from Rachel on how to become a leader in your field

Ever come across something in the Bible that makes you go “wait..what?!”

Discover & share this Reaction GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

Well, that’s exactly how I felt when I read Genesis 29:9- which says that Rachel was a shepherdess.

If you’re up-bringing was anything like mine, then you’re used to hearing about Rachel in terms of her:

  1. Beauty

  2. Being Jacob’s (favourite) wife

  3. Being infertile before giving birth to Joseph and Benjamin

But this was literally the first time that I’d seen that she also had another string to her bow! And not just any string-a leadership role! (Because the Bible uses the word “shepherd” on several occasions to mean “leader,” as in Ezekiel 34, Jeremiah 21 and John 10). As such, Rachel has much to teach us about leadership and how to do it God’s way.

I elaborated on this and more on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.


Great! Do whatever it is that you need to do to get comfortable so you can watch and enjoy the video below.

Oh, one last thing!

If you want to make sure that you never miss another of my weekly videos, you can:

  1. Like my Facebook page to get notified as soon as I start a live

  2. Subscribe to my YouTube channel, if that's where you prefer to hang out

Okay, now you can watch…

Enjoy, my love! Xx

In this video, I talk about how to become a leader in your field. Join my masterclass, Fearful to Faithful, that will help you to FINALLY know how to overcome your fears, get unstuck and get moving on your business idea using my Faith Facilitation Framework in just under 60 minutes!


  • Genesis 29

  • Ezekiel 34:2

  • Jeremiah 21:1

  • John 10:11

  • Proverbs 18:16

  • Proverbs 22:29

  • Matthew 20:25-28

  • John 10:11



  • If you liked this episode, subscribe to my YouTube channel and leave a comment on the video letting me know your biggest takeaway. That way you'll get notified as soon as I drop another video and we can continue to connect and get to know each other some more!

  • Have a question that you'd like me to answer in my next video? You can leave it as a comment directly under the video or submit your question to me here.

Lessons from Sarah on how to become the woman God wants me to be

Lessons from Sarah on how to become the woman God wants me to be

So, I grew up in the 90’s…

When Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson was just “The Rock”…. and still a wrestler

When “the running man” was an entirely different dance to what it is now

When Nickelodeon was at it’s absolute peak

And during the golden age of hip-hop and R ‘n’ B-

With male groups like Dru Hill, Jodeci and Jagged Edge, and female groups like En Vogue, TLC and Brownstone…

Before, I continue, I know what you’re thinking.

“Nina, what are you even talking about?”

“Why all the 90’s nostalgia, how will this help me become the woman God wants me to be and who the heck are Brownstone?!”

Well, they’re the singers of the classic song “If you love me

Which is essentially about a woman telling a would-be lover that the journey to becoming the person that you say you want to be starts with:

  • A decision

  • Making sure that your words and your actions are congruent

  • Taking the steps necessary to be that person today

We see this confirmed through the events of Sarah’s life as well

via Genesis 17 and 18, all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.