
7 simple steps to break through fear of PR

7 simple steps to break through fear of PR

If you’re a #bosslady (online entrepreneur, service professional, coach or consultant) looking to become more visible then you probably already know that PR has many benefits


  • Positioning you as an expert in your field

  • Increasing your authority and credibility

  • Giving you a larger platform to share your influence, thought leadership and message on

  • Increasing your followers, subscribers and fanbase

  • Exposing you to your ideal clients- keeping you booked, busy and making bank

The issue? Fear is holding you back

Fear of success…

Fear of outshining others…

Fear of failure…

Fear of rejection…

Fear of leaving your comfort zone…

Fear of judgement…

And it's costing you!

Whether you lean more towards the first, second, third or sixth type of fear that I listed above:

It's stopping you making the amount of money that will allow you to have the kind of lifestyle and freedom that you want.

It's stopping you from living out your purpose and feeling fulfilled in life.

But- more than that- it's robbing the people that you are called to serve of achieving the breakthrough that only you are uniquely designed to give them.

It doesn't have to remain that way though

3 common networking mistakes and how to avoid them

3 common networking mistakes and how to avoid them

There are many old adages attached to networking and how it can help you to thrive in life and business, including:

#1 Your network is your net worth

Because the people in your network can help seed, invest or support your business ideas. They can also refer clients to you, recommend you for business advancing opportunities and so on.

#2 You are the sum total of the 5 people that you surround yourself with

As the people in your network help expand your ideas about what is possible for you (financially and otherwise), especially if they’re doing better than you in that area.

#3 People only do business with people that they know, like and trust

Meaning: to have a profitable business you must learn how to build and leverage profitable business relationships.

In other words, networking is one of the best ways to increase your authority, your bank account and- most importantly- your impact.

You know,

That message that you want to share with the world

That legacy that you want to leave

The reason you believe God put you on the earth

That’s your impact or your “why”

However, networking is an art that not everybody gets right. Here are 3 things to avoid to ensure that you do:

5 unexpected reasons to get started with PR today

5 unexpected reasons to get started with PR today

I have many nick-names spanning from the expected (Neen, Neenz, Nini), sentimental (baby, baby girl, sweet girl) to slightly random without a back story. One of the more random nick-names came from my girl, Kishma, who went through a stage of calling me "Pretty Pants".

Here’s the back story to where that came from:

If you've been following me on social media for a while, or know me in real life, then you'll know that this British-born Nigerian girl loves patterned clothes. In case you haven't or don't, the pic above should prove my point. (Aside from African prints, I'm also partial to florals, animal prints and bright colours).

About 6 years ago, before my hair was locked, I was walking around Wood Green (a cosmopolitan shopping part of London) wearing trousers that had a black background and were embellished with bright, colourful flowers.

Long story short...

As I shuffled through the crowd and walked pass a bus stop a guy (who I had noticed watching me and hoped would leave me alone) cat called me with the phrase "Hey, Pretty Pants!" (referring to my trousers in his Jamaican accent and vernacular). I, of course, kept walking but I couldn't help but be amused by his "original" pick up line. So amused, that I laughed out loud as I walked away from him and told Kish about it the next time we met up, hence the nick-name "Pretty Pants".

Remember me saying that this happened before I locked my hair? Here's why that's an important detail...

Me and Kish actually went on to lock our hair shortly after that *clears throat* incident. Whenever people who are thinking about dreadlocks ask us questions about whether they should do it too, we often talk about the expected benefits of locking- like the low maintenance; improved health and strength of our hair- and laugh about the unexpected things- like the fact that men speak to you differently and, rather than calling you "pretty pants," "my size" and so on, use more respectful terms such as "Empress". Who knew, right?!

It's like that with PR too, sis. For example, you might be expecting PR to cause an increase to your visibility, credibility, email list and money- and rightly so! But some things that you may not be factoring in as a perk of PR (because I certainly didn't!) is:

What rice can teach us about PR funnels

What rice can teach us about PR funnels

In my culture, which is Nigerian, rice is a staple meal. When I cook plain rice (as opposed to our famous jollof), I like to use a sieve at the end of the process so that it's completely separated from the water that it was boiling in and it doesn't become soggy (I can't stand wet rice!). This then leaves me with a perfect batch of fluffy rice, ready to eat with a some stew and fried plantain (dodo). This filtering process is very similar to what should happen in PR (when it's done correctly). For example:

lessons from esther on why you shouldn’t feel bad about promoting yourself

lessons from esther on why you shouldn’t feel bad about promoting yourself

Within my Facebook group, Women of Influence, we have weekly expert interviews

We also discuss all things netowrking and PR here.

One of my favourite ways to end the interviews is by asking guests who their favourite woman of the Bible is and why

And whilst I’ve had a variety of facinating answers and testimonies…

Esther, without a doubt, takes the crown for the one that gets named the most

The scripute that’s most synonymous with her? “Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Found in Esther 4:14

A rallying cry that came from her uncle, Mordecai, to encourage Esther to use her power, privelage and position in service of her people

A word that not only confronted Esther with her significance and purpose but confronts us with our own because…

It also let’s us know that:

Lessons from the Israelite Women on why your network is your net worth

Lessons from the Israelite Women on why your network is your net worth

Last week, lovely, we talked about what the Israelite women in Exodus 3:22 had to teach us about claiming our dreams and how to do it.

Well, another powerful lesson that they teach us is why the old cliche “your network is your net worth” is actually true- all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

How to change your money story (and earn what you deserve) with Sandra Berger

How to change your money story (and earn what you deserve) with Sandra Berger

In today's interview, I will be talking about how to change your money story and earn what you deserve with none other than the amazing money coach that is Sandra Berger (of

By the end of this video you will know:

  • What a "money story" is and how you can change it

  • How to get out of a bad financial situation

  • 4 common myths that stop women from earning what they're worth and how to avoid them

  • And much more!

Sound like your cup of tea, lovely?

Great! You can do whatever it is you need to do to get comfortable and press play to access this awesome conversation, below:

Lessons from The Virtuous Woman, Lydia and Priscilla on How to be a Strong Business Woman

Lessons from The Virtuous Woman, Lydia and Priscilla on How to be a Strong Business Woman

I have been a fan of Mary J. Blige since my childhood in the early 90s and have taken great inspiration from watching the way that she has blazed trails, set trends and overcome adversity, both in her career and personal life, from then even up till now. This, in addition to the fact that her songs tend to surround themes such as female empowerment, make her a favourite. 

With a title like “The Strength of a Woman,” her new album seems set to carry on this important discussion. So, to celebrate, I was inspired to share 8 markings of a strong business woman through some of my favourite Mary J. Blige lyrics. These were then featured on Sheleadsafrica,org, where I discussed characteristics such as:

  1. Having a niche (both in terms of specialism and market)
  2. Having goals and going for them
  3. Refusing to tolerate negative entities
  4. Rising above naysayers and enemies of progress
  5. Seeking positive relationships and collaborations
  6. Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
  7. The importance of having a positive outlook and faith
  8. Using your platform for good

You can read the article in full here.

This then set off a chain of events in which I became inspired to research some of the business women of the Bible. Because, as much as some would have us believe that women should have no choice but to stay at home, the women we are about to discuss show differently....