
Lessons from the 10 Virgins on How to keep your light burning

Lessons from the 10 Virgins on How to keep your light burning

So last week, after all our talk about seeking first the Kingdom of God, I ended up going down a little bit of a rabbit hole looking at some more kingdom based parables.

This led me to Matthew 25 where Jesus told the story of the 10 virgins. This passage is seriously meaty and has so much to teach us; so I think that we'll be hanging out there for the next few weeks- especially in keeping with our recent discussions about relationships (here and here).

Today, however, we're going to be speaking about how to keep your light burning as a Christian woman and why that has everything to do with practicing self-care in order to not run out of "oil" (something I seriously struggled with this week!)- all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

How to forgive someone who hurt you with Gladys Ato

How to forgive someone who hurt you with Gladys Ato

In today's interview, I will be talking about how to forgive someone who hurt you with the amazing Dr. Gladys Ato, of Drgladysato.com (clinical psychologist, leadership and personal growth expert, speaker and author of “The Good Goodbye: How to Navigate Change and Loss in Life, Love and Work”).

By the end of this video you will know:

  • What a good goodbye is and how to have one

  • How to forgive someone who hurt you

  • The importance of self-love, grace, compassion and forgiveness

  • And much more!

Sound like your cup of tea, lovely?

Great! You can do whatever it is you need to do to get comfortable and press play to access this awesome conversation, below:

An Interview with Eunice Osaro on Anna

An Interview with Eunice Osaro on Anna

Today's interview comes from Eunice Osaro- an administrator within the NHS (British healthcare system), mother of one and aspiring counsellor. She also happens to be a very close and personal friend of mine, who I love dearly. Read on as she discusses Anna (her favourite woman of the Bible), how she ties in with her testimony and what we, as modern women of God, can learn from her:

Lessons from Rebekah on Striking a Balance between Faith and Works

Lessons from Rebekah on Striking a Balance between Faith and Works

We are first introduced to Rebekah in Genesis 24. This chapter begins just after the death and burial of Sarah, Abraham's first wife. As such, Abraham became quite aware of his own mortality and, like any responsible father, was keen to put things in order before he died too. One of the things that he became concerned with was that Isaac find a wife- but not just any wife- "a wife from [his] country [and] family" rather than from Canaan (the land that he had settled in).

He was also adamant that Isaac not go back to Abraham's country to find a wife and settle there but that this woman do what he and Sarah did years ago- leave house and home for the establishment of the vision of God. He set all of this in motion by telling his chief servant of his wishes and making him swear that he would do everything to ensure this happened. Therefore, and thereafter, the servant set off on a journey back to Abraham's country to find Isaac a wife. A very long story short, this ended up being Rebekah. (Psssst! If you prefer, you can continue to listen to this devotional by pressing play on the audio below)

An Interview with Jolynn on Abigail

An Interview with Jolynn on Abigail

Today we have an interview with Jolynn of Jesus-in-my-heart.tumblr.com, where she shares scripture and inspirational quotes. Read on as she talks about her admiration for Abigail (her favourite woman of the Bible) and what we, as modern women can learn from her.

An Interview with Deb Wolf on Ruth, Deborah, Eunice and Esther

An Interview with Deb Wolf on Ruth, Deborah, Eunice and Esther

Today's interview feature comes from Deb Wolf of Countingmyblessings.com, where she writes about "faith and life" in general. Read on as she expands upon Ruth, Deborah, Eunice and Esther (her 4 favourite women of the Bible), why she identifies with them and what we, as modern women, can learn from each one.

An Interview with Trudi on the Need for Greater Representation of the Women of the Bible

An Interview with Trudi on the Need for Greater Representation of the Women of the Bible

Today's interview comes from another personal friend of mine: Trudi- a beautiful soul who literally makes me laugh until I cry. The other thing that I love about Trudi is her open-mindedness, empathy and compassion for other people, which you will definitely notice as you read her discussion of issues such as:

  • The need for a greater representation of the women of the Bible in the body of Christ
  • Women's strength and role in raising godly children
  • The fact that there is no partiality with God whether amongst His children or between the sexes
  • God's provision and ability to provide peace in any storm

An Interview with Susan B. Mead on One Wise Woman

An Interview with Susan B. Mead on One Wise Woman

Today's interview comes from Susan B. Mead of Susanbmead.com- where she helps "others find the calm in the chaos of life," particularly if that chaos encompasses "doubt, grief or loss". A lady of immense wisdom in her own right, it makes complete sense that her favourite woman of the Bible would be "one wise woman" from the second book of Samuel. Read on as Susan details the 5 lessons that she learned from her story personally and that we, as modern women, can also implement in our lives: