An Interview with Dija Henry on Ruth

Today's interview feature comes from the lovely Dija Henry, an actress, writer and film maker. You can find out more about her and her exciting projects at For now, enjoy as she discusses Ruth (her favourite woman of the Bible) and what the events of her life teach us, as modern women.

Who is your favourite woman of the Bible and why? What would you say that modern women can learn from her?

To me, Ruth is like an unsung hero. She holds so many of the characteristics that I want to have in my own life. For example:

Ruth was an overcomer- She suffered the loss of her husband, brother-in-law and father-in-law. She lost most of the family she married into. She became a widow at a young age, before experiencing the joy of having children (Ruth 1:1-5).

Ruth had convictions- She could have followed Orpah and went back to her family but she didn't. She wanted to know more about God and was willing to leave everything behind to do so. She showed a desire to know God that was more important than going back to her own family. It seemed that her life had been changed and she didn't want to go back (Ruth 1:6-22).

Ruth was kind and loyal- I can imagine that Ruth identified with her mother-in-law's sorrow as a fellow widow. Ruth committed herself to help someone else even in the midst of her own sorrow.


Related: An Interview with Eleanor Akaho on Ruth


Ruth was a hard worker- Ruth went out into the fields and worked in the heat and the sun to provide for herself and Naomi. Her work ethic was noticed by Boaz and the others in the field (Ruth 2).

Ruth was beautiful inside and out- I'm sure that Ruth's beauty caught the eye of Boaz but her inner strength and beauty drew him in. Her humble and hardworking spirit created a good reputation that proceeded her (Ruth 2:10-12).

Ruth was favoured- Ruth was not born into a family that knew who the Messiah was but God in His amazing grace chose to make Ruth an important part in His story! That just gives me chills of joy! God is so gracious, isn't He? Ruth married Boaz and one of their descendants is King David and, eventually, Christ!!! 

Ultimately God used Ruth's life to glorify Himself.


Related: An Interview with Michelle Shaw on Ruth and Hannah

Please finish the sentence: I am a Christian woman who is…

I am a Christian woman who is learning to accept who she is in Christ and help others do the same.


Please finish the sentence: I am a Christian woman who is not…

I am a Christian woman who is not interested in being inauthentic with my walk with Christ.

Any final words of encouragement?

I encourage you to pause each day and meet with the Creator. He knows you- every atom of your make up was designed by Him in LOVE. Discover who you were made to be and live that out in His strength; not your own.