An Interview with Isata on Mary (The mother of Jesus)

Today's interview installment comes from my friend and "big sister," Isata. This lovely lady is a youth worker with a real heart for helping young people holistically to promote their emotional, mental, physical as well as spiritual growth and well-being. She is also an administrator and mother one, which really ties into her affinity with Mary (the mother of Jesus). Read on as she explains why Mary is her favourite woman of the Bible and what we can learn from her.

Who is your favourite woman of the Bible and why? What would you say that modern women can learn from her?

My favourite woman in the Bible, especially more so in the last five years, is Mary (the mother of Jesus). This is not just for the fact that she gave birth to my Lord and saviour but- putting myself in her position, as a mother myself- I wonder at her utmost obedience and unwavering faith in God (because, as a mother, all you want to do is to do is everything in your power to protect your child from danger and harm no matter what it takes). Yet Mary was so faithful, even though she knew before Jesus was born what His purpose was. It is very often that I forget that, no matter what future plans I have for my child, they may not be God’s. As my mother said to me, we are just like taxis (a form of transportation)- meaning we just birth (taxi) children in to the world but they have their own journey and paths to live. I know all I can do is be there as much as I can for my child and seek God in prayer to help me understand His will and purpose, and to teach me how to nurture that in my child. 


Please finish the sentence: I am a Christian woman who is…

I am a Christian woman who is still hungry, yearning for more of God, under constant construction. When I think I’ve sussed it a rude awakening reminds me that isn’t the case. I am a Christian woman who still learning; a student to the Holy Spirit.


Please finish the sentence: I am a Christian woman who is not…

I am a Christian woman who is not perfect; I am striving every day to be a virtuous woman of God.


Any final words of encouragement?

Remember God is the author of our destiny. As He stated- “Before you were conceived in your mother’s woman womb I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:5) and that “the plan I have for you is not to harm you but to prosper you and give you a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). Yes, we do have freedom of choice, but let’s not cause a delay on what is meant for us by just leaning on our own understanding or relying on other people. Do not forget to continually seek God’s guidance in all that you do.