An Interview with Ellen Chauvin on Mary Magdalene

Today I am honoured to share the enlightening words of Ellen Chauvin of where she encourages "ordinary women to walk in extraordinary faith," helping us to face our fears and step out of our comfort zones through her writing.

Within her interview Ellen discusses how she has overcome her fear of people and people-pleasing, the importance of seeking God's face (following the example of Mary Magdalene, her favourite woman of the Bible) and realising that we each have a God-given purpose.

Who is your favourite woman of the Bible and why? What would you say that modern women can learn from her? 

I would have to say Mary Magdalene. I love her, not only because she was the first person to see the resurrected Jesus (John 20:11-18, Mark 16:9), but also because she was devoted to Christ, ministering to Him after He saved her from a life of demon possession. Shouldn’t we all be as devoted to Him? Jesus has saved us too, not only from hell, but our own demons (such as pride, fear of man and fear in general). He gave His life for ours, but sometimes our devotion to Him is an afterthought. I love the way Mary Magdalene searches for Jesus, even after the crucifixion. We need to continually search after Jesus- both in His word and in the ways He touches our lives- just like her.

Please finish the sentence: I am a Christian woman who is...

I am a Christian woman who is seeking after God’s will for my life in this season; searching for that sweet spot that He calls me to- “The place where my deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meets” (Frederick Buchner).

Please finish the sentence: I am a Christian woman who is not...

I am a Christian woman who is not Perfect! Thank goodness I’ve (hopefully) gotten over myself and always striving to be perfect... or maybe not BE perfect, but LOOK perfect. I’m over my people pleasing years (well, most of the time anyway!). The busy bustling Martha in me has finally calmed down to a Mary.

Any final words of encouragement?

Don’t ever feel your life is just ordinary and that you don’t have a story to tell. You are the beloved of God. He placed you on this earth and has a plan, and a purpose for your life. You may never see- this side of heaven- the extraordinary ways you have impacted others simply because you chose obedience to Christ; simply because you decided to get out of your comfort zone. You are more than ordinary- you are precious in His sight and He loves you!