How to start a business with Tamiko Kelly

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In today's interview, I will be talking about how to start a business with amazing certified sleep consultant and advanced newborn care specialist that is Tamiko Kelly (of 

By the end of this video you will know:

  • How to overcome the fear of starting your own business
  • How to find your purpose and profitable business idea
  • How to go from a 9-5 (money) mindset to a business mindset
  • And much more!

Sound like your cup of tea, lovely?

Great! You can do whatever it is you need to do to get comfortable and press play to access this awesome conversation, below:

In today's interview, I will be talking about how to start a business with amazing certified sleep consultant and advanced newborn care specialist that is Tamiko Kelly (of


  • Introducing Tamiko Kelly
  • Tamiko's journey to finding her purpose and founding Sleep Well Wake Happy
  • How to overcome the fear of starting your own business
  • How to overcome people pleasing and listening to nay-sayers
  • How to find your purpose and profitable business idea
  • How to walk in your purpose and make it a reality
  • How to go from a 9-5 mindset to (money) mindset to a business mindest
  • Final words of encouragement


"Be in agreement with what God says to and of you. When you do that everything else falls into place" (Tamiko Kelly) Click to tweet

"You should not be taking advice from your broke-ass friends who have never owned a business. Literally, stop listening to them!" (Tamiko Kelly) Click to tweet

"Consistency is the shortest route to success" (Tamiko Kelly) Click to tweet

"If they talked about Jesus, understand that they will come for you too but it's up to you how you react. Are you going to believe them or are you going to believe Jesus?" (Tamiko Kelly) Click to tweet

"It's your life; your choice. Just because someone says something it doesn't make it true. The only way it becomes true is if you agree with them" (Tamiko Kelly) Click to tweet

"You have to speak what you seek because you [your subconscious] is literally listening" (Tamiko Kelly) Click to tweet



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  • Have a question that you'd like me to answer in my next video? You can leave it as a comment directly under the video or submit your question to me here!