How to Turn Your Passion into Profit with Margaret Olat

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In today's interview, I will be talking about how to turn your passion into profit with none other than the amazing Margaret Olat (writer and creative coach at

By the end of this video you will know:

  • How to start a side hustle (and turn your passion into profits)
  • How to balance your passion project and your 9-5 so that you don't experience burn out
  • Why it's not necessary to ditch your 9-5 in order to be a successful creative/entrepreneur but how to know when it's time to do so (hint- it has nothing to do with money!)
  • And much more!

Sound like your cup of tea, lovely?

Great! You can do whatever it is you need to do to get comfortable and press play to access this awesome conversation, below:

In today's interview, I will be talking about how to turn your passion into profit with none other than the amazing Margaret Olat (writer and creative coach at


  • Introducing Margaret Olat
  • Margaret's journey to becoming a writer and creative coach
  • Why it's not necessary to ditch your 9-5 in order to be a successful creative/entrepreneur
  • How to know when it's time to ditch your 9-5 (hint- it's not about money!)
  • How to start a side hustle that turns your passions to profits
  • How to balance your passion project and your 9-5 so that you don't experience burn out
  • The benefits of a mentor and how to find one
  • Final words of encouragement


"How can I lead other people to places where I've not led myself?" (Margaret Olat) Click to tweet

"A woman's place is wherever God sends her" (Marshawn Evans Daniels) Click to tweet

"If God sends you to a place, you should honour that call and purpose" (Margaret Olat) Click to tweet

"Try to separate your self-worth from your results" (Margaret Olat) Click to tweet

"Clarity comes from action. It doesn't come from just thinking about it. We have to do to get clarity" (Margaret Olat) Click to tweet

"Be kind to yourself. Acknowledge the fact that you can't do it all" because self-care starts with self-compassion (Margaret Olat) Click to tweet

"Structure is your best friend" (Margaret Olat) Click to tweet

"Forgiveness is a 2-step process. We receive grace from God but we must become better at extending that grace to ourselves too" (Nina Dafe) Click to tweet

"Even when we're not ready we're powerful" (Margaret Olat) Click to tweet



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  • Have a question that you'd like me to answer in my next video? You can leave it as a comment directly under the video or submit your question to me here!