An Interview with K.Marie on Leah

Today's interview comes from the lovely K.Marie of, where she blogs about Afro Caribbean textured (or natural) hair. With this blog, she demonstrates how black women can rock their God-given crowns by providing "the tools to succeed along [their] hair [journeys]" through the sharing of information, knowledge, encouragement, support and topical debates.

In line with her desire to see women be their most authentic self, during her interview K.Marie discusses Leah- her favourite woman of the Bible- and how she shows us, as modern day women, the importance of self-love, worth and actualisation.

Who is your favourite woman of the Bible and why? What would you say that modern women can learn from her?

Leah because she saw her worth. She realised that man could not provide the love she craved; only God could. Her self-worth was renewed once her sight was restored. This in itself is a perfect story for modern day women who are seldom taught to put God first before any man; to not chase love; to renew and flush the heart in order to be whole. Self-worth is lacking in our young women and, as a result, we are constantly seeking validation from others whose own self-worth is embedded in an unstable foundation.

Please finish the sentence: I am a Christian woman who is...

I am Christian woman who is growing in faith and gratitude. I love God and God loves me.

Please finish the sentence: I am a Christian woman who is not...

I am a Christian woman who is not bitter just better.

Any final words of encouragement?

Stay true to the exquisiteness that is you!