
Lessons from Rachel and Leah on How to be transformed by the renewing of your mind

Lessons from Rachel and Leah on How to be transformed by the renewing of your mind

So last week, lovely, we started talking about Rachel, Leah and everything that they have to teach us about finding the “why” (or motivation) behind your goals.

One of the things that I mentioned in that post is that sometimes we end up setting goals with wrong intentions because we are motivated by past hurts. This, as was the case with Rachel and Leah, may cause us to want to achieve certain goals for reasons such as:

  • Proving others wrong

  • Feeling validated, for example

rather than wanting to please or glorify God.

The past can also keep us from carrying out God’s will for our lives and achieving our goals when we choose to cleave to the traditions and cultures that we grew up with instead of carrying out God’s words/instructions. This is why Mark 7:13 says:

“[You make] the word of God of no effect through your tradition…”

In order to avoid doing this, we need to be transformed by the renewing of our minds in line with Romans 12:2- all of which I elaborated on, on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

An Interview with Carissa on Leah

An Interview with Carissa on Leah

Today's interview installment comes from Carissa of Jesusbreakfastclub.tumblr.com, where she shares scripture and inspirational quotes on imprints (pictures) of her travels. Read on as she talks about Leah, her favourite woman of the Bible, why that is and what we- as modern women- can take from Leah's story:

An Interview with K.Marie on Leah

An Interview with K.Marie on Leah

Today's interview comes from the lovely K.Marie of phenomenalyou.org.uk, where she blogs about Afro Caribbean textured (or natural) hair. With this blog she demonstrates how black women can rock their God-given crowns by providing "the tools to succeed along [their] hair [journeys]" through the sharing of information, knowledge, encouragement, support and topical debates.

In line with her desire to see women be their most authentic self, during her interview K.Marie discusses Leah- her favourite woman of the Bible- and how she shows us, as modern day women, the importance of self-love, worth and actualisation: