How hate can give your life meaning

When I was little, I would sit glued to the TV for hours upon hours watching my favourite shows during my spare time

Shout out to you if you also grew up watching Nickelodeon, The Disney Channel and Cartoon Network!

Up to today I still remember many theme songs, but do you know what else I still remember?

Advert jingles! Like this old Honda advert that used to come on when I was a kid

Where the jingle began:

“Can hate be good?
Can hate be great?
Can hate be good?
Can hate be great?
Can hate be something we don’t hate?”

Which challenged the idea that hate is always a bad thing.

The chorus then went on to answer this question by asserting that we can “hate something” so much that we become motivated to “change” it and “make [it] better”

In other words, hatred can be a good thing if channelled positively in order to both serve and improve things for our fellow man.

This was definitely the case for me

I grew up seeing my female role models shrink themselves and hide their shine because of traditional, religious and societal norms. Fast forward to now, and this is still something that I come across as a PR specialist

Because of this, I think that the real mission and vision behind my Media Magic retreats is to stop the negative cycle of women holding themselves back instead of speaking up, stepping out and shining as the women that God called them to be- all through the power of PR

As reflected in the feedback from last year’s attendees, like:

“Nina, you did that! You brought a group of amazing women together and you helped us bond, to see our worthiness and it was everything I could have dreamed of and more! I’m going to leave here lighter, better, more focused and, just, a better person overall for this experience. Thank you so much!” (Tuoyo)


“God used Nina to be a integral part of this journey! I was floundering before God sent her! I had started questioning if I even had anything to say anymore. She helped reaffirm my purpose. She is a gift from above. Periodt!” (Vickie)


“A lot of times it's us telling us that we're not worthy of getting somewhere. Or sometimes it's our friends or our family or the people that have known us for our whole life who say 'Maybe don't dream too big, or maybe just settle...' but really you should go where you're appreciated and that requires you to expand your territory. Sometimes you just need a little push and that retreat, for me personally, was that push to know that not only I can think of it, but I could actually do it...There’s so many platforms that I’ve wanted to go on…that I thought I could only dream about but in this retreat… I really learned how to actually reach out to those huge platforms that will help bring my business to the next level…If you really are serious about going to the next level, if you really are serious about getting on those platforms that you thought, like me, you could only dream of getting on- this is worth the money, it’s worth the time and the sacrifices that you need to make to get to the next retreat. It’s so worth it because it’s no longer just a dream, these are now things that I can actually attain" (Leonna)

So what about you, sis? What do you hate?

What problem do you wish to solve? What impact do you wish to make? What legacy do you want to leave?

What's your "why?"

You can live it out every day by being the change that you wish to see in the world

PS) Want to go from stumped to savvy about how to get PR for your business so that you can make enough impact to change what you hate? I'd like to personally invite you to join me at Media Magic, my retreat where I will be taking you through my system for PR success (The PR Powerhouse Playbook). Will you RSVP by joining here?