How to manifest exactly what you want

If you’ve been rocking with me for a while, you’ll know I have a background in Speech and Language Therapy, and that at the beginning of my career, I worked in Primary Schools (or Elementary Schools for my American peeps)

During this time, there were periods and jobs where I’d invariably feel bored and, ultimately, like leaving. These feelings were due to bad managers, stressful work conditions, and unfair pay, which left me wishing for a new job

But complacency kept me at these unfulfilling jobs until the tide would turn, and they would do something that made me go, “Alright, enough is enough. I need to leave"

I found myself in a cycle of unpleasant and unfulfilling jobs, till I realised that the adage, "be careful what you wish for 'cause you just might get it", is true, but just not in the way we typically think…

Here’s how 👇🏾

Like I said, I wanted to move jobs, but I didn't want stressful, pressurising, low-morale situations to be what pushed me out

The problem?

I was not specific about these terms in prayer, though

All I told God was that I wanted a new job (the what) without being specific about the way I wanted it to happen (the how)

Looking back, I’m grateful for that season in my life because it taught me how to carefully wish, plan, and pray for what I desire

i.e. manifest

That instead of focusing only on the desired outcome, I should be specific about how I wish to get there- and what I want it to look like when I get there, for that matter

In other words..

Going back to the adage above (popularised by The Pussycat Dolls #iykyk) the lesson is not simply “be careful what you wish for because you just might get it,” it’s be clear and intentional about what you wish for so that you can fully rejoice when you get it

Listening to and reading the overwhelmingly positive feedback from the women who were part of Media Magic (like those below) I can confidently say, I knew it would happen this way because I prayed about every aspect of the retreat

So, although I’m mind blown and humbled, I’m not surprised at how well it went because I did not make a vague wish. I was specific and intentional about everything, and the results had no choice but to be the way they were, by God's grace

My advice? You can do the same thing. Don’t keep your wishes and goals vague. When thinking about your goals, map them out in detail and give them to God so he can add His super to your natural and His extra to your ordinary

PS) There’s a waiting list that you can join to get early access to details about next year’s retreat and first dibs on early bird tickets. Will you join here?