Why purpose is important to your PR strategy

According to my mum, my 2 favourite words as a child were "no" and "why?".

This made me the kind of child that you couldn't just ask to do something/not do something. I had to be negotiated with. I had to be placated. I had to understand the reasoning behind what you were telling me to do or not do.

As you can imagine, this got me into trouble with the more traditional adults in my life who saw my inquisitive nature as rudeness and disobedience.

But, did it change anything? Not really! Chalk it up to my ENTJ personality type but even as an adult I don't do anything that I don't see the logic or sense behind, let alone commit to it.

"So what makes you so committed to helping women in business to pitch the media so that they can get more visible, attract their dream clients and get paid what they want?" You may be wondering.

Once again, the answer lies in "why". More specifically-

My why.

You can read more fully about my why (the reason that I do what I do) and how it came about here. But-

The long and short of it is that my calling is to empower other women to speak up, step out and shine as the woman that God created them to be

(in the way that my female role models, growing up, were not able to due to factors such as cultural and religious beliefs, control and low self-worth).

Knowing my why not only keeps me going when the going gets tough in life and business, it keeps me going in the face of having my pitches rejected, ignored and/or ghosted by editors and influencers.

This is why it's important that you know, before you even begin your PR journey, what your why is too, sis.

Yes, PR has many benefits including:

  • Positioning you as an expert in your field

  • Increasing your authority and credibility

  • Giving you a larger platform to share your influence, thought leadership and message on

  • Increasing your followers, subscribers and fanbase

  • Exposing you to your ideal clients- keeping you booked, busy and making bank

But the path there may not always be as straight as you'd like it to be. In those moments, your why acts as your north star. The question is, do you know what yours is?

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