How to go from Trauma to Triumph with Kathy Haan

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In today's interview, I will be talking about how to go from trauma to triumph with the amazing international success and business mentor, author and speaker that is- Kathy Haan (of 

By the end of this video you will know:

  • Why it's important to let go of the pain that others have inflicted on you and how to do it
  • When you should get life coaching or a mentor and what qualities you should be looking for
  • How to become a coach, even if you have no qualifications
  • How to build wealth consciousness and ditch your old money mindset
  • And much more!

Sound like your cup of tea, lovely?

Great! You can do whatever it is you need to do to get comfortable and press play to access this awesome conversation, below:

(PS apologies in advance, as my mic decided to chime in the conversation with some major feedback during certain points of the conversation).

In today's interview, I will be talking about how to go from trauma to triumph with the amazing international success and business mentor, author and speaker that is- Kathy Haan (of


  • Introducing Kathy Haan
  • Kathy's journey to becoming an international success and business mentor, author and speaker, despite her "traumatic past"
  • Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?
  • How to develop a raw, real and organic relationship with God
  • Why it's important to let go of the pain that others have inflicted on you and how to do it
  • What to do if you're in an abusive relationship
  • How to become a coach, even if you have no qualifications
  • When you should get life coaching or a mentor and what qualities you should be looking for
  • The law of attraction from a Biblical perspective
  • A tip to get the law of attraction to work for you today
  • How to build wealth consciousness and ditch your old money mindset
  • Final words of encouragement


"Everything I went through, no matter how terrible, served a purpose" (Kathy Haan) Click to tweet

"When things are happening, that are like really crappy situations, I say: 'Okay, what's the lesson in this?'" (Kathy Haan) Click to tweet

"Faith in God includes faith in His timing" (Kathy Haan) Click to tweet

"Realistic is outside of the realm of faith" (Kathy Haan) Click to tweet

"Rarely will your success ever surpass your level of personal development" (Kathy Haan) Click to tweet

"The way we treat ourselves is definitely a reflection of what we will receive from others but also how others will treat us" (Nina Dafe) Click to tweet



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  • Have a question that you'd like me to answer in my next video? You can leave it as a comment directly under the video or submit your question to me here!