How to find your true identity in Christ with Tobi Olujimni

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In today's interview, I will be talking about how to find your true identity in Christ with the amazing Tobi Olujimni (founder of The Wtalk Network- a multiplatform entertainment and faith network which empowers women to explore faith via entertainment). 

By the end of this video you will know:

  • Why the Great Commission is still relevant today and how to fulfill it in this day and age
  • Why female empowerment is so important, especially within the Kingdom of God
  • The importance of knowing your purpose and how to finally launch your God-given vision
  • And much more!

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Great! You can do whatever it is you need to do to get comfortable and press play to access this awesome conversation, below:

In today's interview, I will be talking about how to find your true identity in Christ with the amazing Tobi Olujimni (founder of The Wtalk Network- a multiplatform entertainment and faith network which empowers women to explore faith via entertainment).


  • Introducing Tobi Olujimni
  • Tobi's journey to becoming the founder of The Wtalk
  • The Wtalk's greater mission and purpose within the digital entertainment industry
  • Why the Great Commission is still relevant today and how to fulfill it in this day and age
  • The importance of female empowerment, especially within the Kingdom of God
  • How to counteract the conflicting messages that we, as women, are constantly being bombarded with
  • What is the difference between self-love and self-identity?
  • The importance of knowing your purpose
  • How to finally launch your idea (whether it be a blog, business, vlog etc)
  • Final words of encouragement


"A TV show sometimes speaks to your heart more than a sermon" (Tobi Olujimni) Click to tweet

"[The Great Commission] was one of the last words that Jesus said to His disciples. It was after resurrection. It was before He ascended into's not to be taken lightly" (Tobi Olujimni) Click to tweet

"Too many women are playing the roles that have been assigned to them [but] we have to be who God calls us to be. We have to take on who God says that we are" (Tobi Olujimni) Click to tweet

"Once you know who you are self-confidence is a breeze because, although you'll have off days, they won't deter you from reminding yourself who you actually are" (Tobi Olujimni) Click to tweet

"Everything begins with purpose. When you know what your purpose is, you know how to spend your time; you know who you should be spending time with; you know where your money should be going... Purpose is the thing that everything revolves around..." (Nina Dafe) Click to tweet

"If you get it over night, you'll probably lose it over night. It's about legacy. It's about building deep roots" (Tobi Olujimni) Click to tweet

"Women say 'I want to have my Boaz' but you've got to be a woman of substance. You have to have something to offer" (Nina Dafe) Click to tweet

"Rules and regulations exclude automatically but He that had no sin became sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him...and that means everyone" (Tobi Olujimni) Click to tweet



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  • Have a question that you'd like me to answer in my next video? You can leave it as a comment directly under the video or submit your question to me here!