How to slay at sales with Indira Pierrot

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In today's interview, I will be talking about how to slay at sales with none other than the amazing Indira Pierrot, who helps women to sell more, slay more and sleaze less over at

By the end of this video you will know:

  • Common myths and misconceptions to selling and how to avoid them

  • The importance of having multiple streams of income

  • Why Indira is passionate about bringing God into the marketplace and how to do it

  • And much more!

Sound like your cup of tea, lovely?

Great! You can do whatever it is you need to do to get comfortable and press play to access this awesome conversation, below:

Uploaded by Far Above Rubies Collection on 2018-12-29.


  • Introducing Indira Pierrot

  • Indira’s journey to becoming “sales slayer”

  • Common myths and misconceptions to selling and how to avoid them

  • The importance of having multiple streams of income

  • Why Indira is passionate about bringing God into the marketplace and how to do it

  • How to detach from outcomes as an entrepreneur

  • Final words of encouragement


"Entrepreneurship, in and of itself, is one of the biggest spiritual journeys that you can ever take because everything you have in terms of your gifts and your weaknesses show up and they have to be dealt with otherwise you just remain at a plateau” (Indira Pierrot)

“Most people, Christian or not, have difficulty selling because it’s either they don’t believe in the product or they don’t believe in themselves to be able to do it” (Indira Pierrot)

“Having money is not wrong. [The question is] are you putting the chase of it above God? Are you making it an idol to where He can’t use you or He can’t bless you because you’re not going to bless other people with it? Are you going to hoard it to yourself? Other than that, there’s nothing wrong with being Christian and being wealthy” (Indira Pierrot)

“In this day and age, if you’re going to be wealthy, entrepreneurship is going to have something to do with it at some point” (Indira Pierrot)

“Entrepreneurship is not just for you. The success of your business is for the purpose of other people to see what is possible through you with God” (Indira Pierrrot)



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