
4 little known benefits of PR

4 little known benefits of PR

Growing up in London, I quickly learned that positioning matters. For example, whenever I use the tube, and I’m in an absolute rush (this is most days), I know that the right side of the escalator is for people who are happy to coast and that I should be on the left so that I can get to the trains faster. Knowing and following this unspoken rule helps everyone get to where they need to be easier (and in one piece lol). Similarly, knowing and understanding the full potential of PR can help you get to where you want to be more efficiently. As a result, when PR is done right, it can help you:

How to slay at sales with Indira Pierrot

How to slay at sales with Indira Pierrot

In today's interview, I will be talking about how to slay at sales with none other than the amazing Indira Pierrot, who helps women to sell more, slay more and sleaze less over at

By the end of this video you will know:

  • Common myths and misconceptions to selling and how to avoid them

  • The importance of having multiple streams of income

  • Why Indira is passionate about bringing God into the marketplace and how to do it

  • And much more!

Sound like your cup of tea, lovely?

Great! You can do whatever it is you need to do to get comfortable and press play to access this awesome conversation, below: