
Lessons from Esther on what to do when you're feeling discouraged

Lessons from Esther on what to do when you're feeling discouraged

Last week, I talked about the fact that Esther is a popular woman of the Bible

Especially amongst the ladies that I have interviewed as guest experts within my Facebook group

This is because she used her power, privilege and position in service of her people

Reminding us as modern women that:

1. God made us for a purpose

2. We are called to solve problems

3. The problems you are called to solve will require using your gifts

4. Maximum impact will require maximum visibility

When thinking about Esther and her legacy it can be easy to forget all that it took for her to become so well renowned

For example, Esther 2:12 says that before she became queen she (and the other prospects) had to:

• Stay in the palace for a full year away from their family and friends

• Undergo beauty treatments

• Learn protocol etc

Before they even so much as a met the king, let alone got chosen to be his bride!

I say all of that to say, it can be easy to become discouraged in our own journeys

It can be easy to see what other people have achieved/are achieving and develop a mean case of comparisonitis

It can be easy to become discouraged at your (seeming) lack of progress

It can also be easy to feel things are taking too long

But Esther's story teaches us not to

In fact…