How to overcome imposter syndrome

Before Sarah achieved her dream of conceiving Isaac, she disqualified herself- believing she was too old to do so

Hence the whole Hagar debacle

Yet Hebrews 11:11 makes it clear that she went on to receive "strength to conceive seed, and...bore a child when she was past the age..."

Which means that none of her "undesirable" circumstances changed in order for her to achieve her dream, so what did?

Sarah was able to do this "by faith" because "she judged Him faithful who had promised" (Hebrews 11:11)

In other words, she took her eyes off her perceived inadequacies and placed them on God

That was the game changer that helped her to get what she wanted and is the thing that has helped me in every iteration of my entrepreneurial journey, including my most recent one with Media Magic

My retreat for business women who want to uncover a quick and systemised process to pitch the media so that they can get onto more top platforms, be seen as industry experts, and start raking in larger paydays

Want to get out of the chokehold that imposter syndrome has on you too? Like Sarah, you must get rid of your limiting beliefs and develop new (more congruent) ones

This is important because, to quote Holly Haynes, “I can give you the exact steps and strategy, but if your mindset and your psychology are not in it, it’s not going to work”

That's why, at Media Magic, we don't just give you PR strategy- we also deal with the limiting belief systems that are holding you back from success

This includes imposter syndrome, as attested to by Leonna who said:

"Entrepreneurs with imposter syndrome should come to this retreat because, a lot of times, it's us telling [ourselves] that we're not worthy of getting somewhere...sometimes you just need a little push and this retreat was that for me, personally...[it] was that push to know that, not only can I think of it, but I can actually do it"

One of the main drivers and catalysts of this was Tiwa King's session, in which she helped us to S.O.A.R

See [our limiting beliefs], Overcome [them], Affirm [ourselves] and Release [them])

The attendee's video testimonials speak for themselves, as do their comments 👇🏾

Know you need this in your life? There’s a waiting list that you can join to get early access to details about next year’s retreat and first dibs on early bird tickets. Will you join here?