What to do when people don't support you

When I first started to gain traction with PR it was as a blogger in the first quarter of 2017. However, by that December, I was ready to quit writing all together

Here's why πŸ‘‡πŸΎ

"If someone who I've considered a sister for 10 years could so misconstrue and under rate my writing," I remember thinking, "What hope is there that strangers will get me?"

And so, like I said, I seriously considered calling it quits with The Far Above Rubies Collection and all the business ideas that I hoped would come out of it

Fast forward to now and I am an award winning blogger, international speaker and freelance writer who has not only been able to monetise my gift but get featured on platforms such as Thrive Global, The TEDx blog, HuffPost, Bustle, Mic, Addicted2Success, Black Ballad and more. I also just got rave reviews for Media Magic (the luxury retreat that I held in Tulum, Mexico in July teaching business women how to get PR for themselves)

What led to this success was leaning into the people who saw, respected and encouraged my gifts. It was also, to quote Nelson Mandela, believing β€œin the dark what God told me in the light”

This is truly what kept me going

I recently came across a meme that said, "There's a future version of me who's proud I was strong enough"

Almost 7 years later, that's exactly how I feel

The Nina of 2024 thanks the Nina of 2017 for being strong enough, for not giving up and/or becoming "weary in well-doing". What if she had? God certainly would never have been able to open all those doors (and more) for me!

All of that to say this πŸ‘‡πŸΎ

You and God are a majority. If people want to leave, let them go. If they don't understand or support the vision- fine! Nobody has the power to thwart your dreams unless you give it to them; so keep going and don't give them that satisfaction. There's a future version of you who's proud you were strong enough to make your dreams a reality too

PS) Will you join the waitlist to get early access to details about next year’s retreat and first dibs on early bird tickets here? The future version of you- who has appeared on top platforms, is seen as an industry expert and is raking in larger paydays- will thank you for it