Why who you know matters more than what you know

Recently, I had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with my godson, Max, who just turned 2

We sang nursery rhymes (like the wheels on the bus), watched Baby Shark and played with the baby proof version of a marble run that I got him for his birthday

We had great fun lol

What's also great about Max is that, so long as he was occupied, he would leave me and his mum (my good sis, Isata) to chat

Which was great because we had so much to catch up on

The only time he'd interrupt us was to let us know that he needed help with something

Like fixing a toy, getting something open or what not

Which got me thinking, we need to be more like Max and not suffer in silence

Here's why

A lot of the time what stops us going after our dreams is the fact that we don't know how to do it

This is because we're asking the wrong question

Like Max we should be asking "Who can help me achieve what I want?" rather than "how do I do it?" because:

(According to Dan Sullivan, author of "Who Not How")

Asking "how" gets you stuck in the details, which can cause you to waste hours trying to figure out how to do something that is likely not in your zone of genius


  • Taking your focus off of revenue generating activities and making you lose money

  • Robbing you of time spent with loved ones or doing what you love

  • Reducing your mental and emotional well-being

Whereas asking "who?" automatically links you up with someone with the skills and experience that you need to succeed in a much shorter timespan

So that you can focus on:

  • Your zone of genius

  • Revenue generating activities

  • The people and activities that you love and so on

And that's exactly what happened with Media Magic, come to think of it

(My retreat for business women who want to uncover a quick and systemised process to pitch the media so that they can get onto more top platforms, be seen as industry experts and start raking in larger paydays)

When I first decided that I wanted to do a retreat in 2022, I knew that I wanted to merge my passions of travel, PR, coaching, building community and empowering women together but I was confused about the logistics

i.e. the how

Fast forward to now and I just completed my first international retreat in Tulum, Mexico where I have received amazing feedback

Such as

“There’s so many platforms that I’ve wanted to go on…that I thought I could only dream about but in this retreat… I really learned how to actually reach out to those huge platforms that will help bring my business to the next level…If you really are serious about going to the next level, if you really are serious about getting on those platforms that you thought, like me, you could only dream of getting on- this is worth the money, it’s worth the time and the sacrifices that you need to make to get to the next retreat. It’s so worth it because it’s no longer just a dream, these are now things that I can actually attain” (Leonna)

“The retreat has been worth every penny. If you are serious about really growing your business or growing your brand then [it’s] a must... Don’t even think about not signing up!” (Kira)

“Nina, you did that! You brought a group of amazing women together and you helped us bond, to see our worthiness and it was everything I could have dreamed of and more! I’m going to leave here lighter, better, more focused and, just, a better person overall for this experience. Thank you so much!” (Tuoyo)

“The power of the information that we were given [is that] it’s not overwhelming, it’s very clearly laid out; it was accessible- even for someone that’s not familiar with public relations- and I love the fact that I came away from it feeling and knowing that I now have a clear pathway for the things I want to do next in my business… This [retreat] absolutely needs to be the next step that you take!” (Vickie)

“The community, the incredible, powerful; like-minded women, the excellence of the venue, the excellence of the food- no detail was left out! I am excited for all the future women that are brave enough, smart enough, incredible enough to right now say that they are coming to this retreat because I’m telling you it’s going to change your life. Not only am I leaving sharpened and empowered…I’m leaving more PR-ready. What I thought I knew, I now know more. What I came to do, I’ve done so much more and now my presence and how I’m going to show up in the world as an incredible, powerful woman has gone up like a million levels. All I can say for anyone thinking [about coming to the next retreat] is stop thinking; do it. It’s going to change your life and you’re not going to be the same!” (Tiwa)

What led to this success was teaming up with my beautiful event coordinator, Andrea, and allowing her to operate in her zone of genius

Such as the research, planning and coordination of the retreat

So that I could concentrate on mine

All of this to say, the next time that you’re getting discouraged, overwhelmed or lost in the details of how to make your dreams come true- remember that you’re asking the wrong question. Think, instead, about who has the skills and experience that will get you to your next level and team up with them

PS) If, like Leonna, Kira, Vickie, Tuoyo and Tiwa, your next level entails uncovering what you need to know about PR so that you can get more visible, be seen as the expert, attract your dream clients and get paid what you want- I'd like to personally invite you to join me at next year's Media Magic retreat. Will you RSVP by joining the waitlist here?