Why you should share your gifts with the world

What kind of birthday celebrant are you?

Are you the sort of person who:

A) Is very low-key (as in “I don't celebrate at all” or “if I do, it's just on the day?”)

B) Is more of the mindset that the whole month is your birthday?

I'm the latter, as in:

I always say “October is my birthday” even though it’s only technically today

(October 3rd, on the day of sending this email)

This whole idea of October being my birthday is not just this self-centred wish to make it all about me, though

Believe it or not…

It has always been a celebration of life and an acknowledgement that there but by the grace of God go I

There are people who didn't make it to this age; who didn't make it to this day, and so I really do believe in that scripture that says, "Teach us to number our days, oh Lord, that we may be wise"

Which is Psalm 90:12, by the way

All of that to say, don't take your days for granted

Whether it's your birthday or not, live it up!

If there's something you want to do, a pitch you want to send, a dream you want to fulfil- now's the time to do it

Because, in keeping with the birthday theme: “What we are is God’s gift to us [but] what we become is our gift to God” (Eleanor Powell)

PS) Starting today, throughout the month, I'm going to be taking you along to all of my celebrations in my stories. Will you follow me on Instagram so that you can check them out?