Parable of the Lost Coin

Lessons from 30 amazing Women of the Bible

Lessons from 30 amazing Women of the Bible

This week (October 3rd to be exact) was my birthday and- it wasn't just any birthday- it was my 30th! Also, although I didn't actually make it public until late November, this month will mark a year since I started this blog with a view to:

  • Raise the profile of the contributions of the women of the Bible and how the lessons contained in these can be practically applied in our modern spiritual walks
  • Empower Christian women to fully embrace their unique identities and purpose in Christ, free of the stereotypes and traditions that can "so easily best" us

To celebrate, I am going to share my top 30 women of the Bible along with what they taught me either about Christian womanhood/femininity or life in general. So, in alphabetical order, here goes!

Lessons from the Parable of the Lost Coin on God's Love

Lessons from the Parable of the Lost Coin on God's Love

Jesus loved to tell stories to illustrate His points. This was to make His lessons more relatable and understandable to His listeners while He explained complex spiritual concepts, mostly about the Kingdom of God. One such story is The Parable of the Lost Coin, which can be found in Luke 15:8-10. You can press play on the audio below to proceed if you prefer, by the way. Feel free to download and share also: