
Lessons from Jesus' Donkey on how to be used by God

Lessons from Jesus' Donkey on how to be used by God

I almost called this post. “How to be used by God (passed Easter)” because I feel like we can find it really easy to share the gospel during festive periods such as:

  • Easter

  • Christmas and so on

But then struggle to do so when all the hype is over; in our every day lives. Can you relate, lovely?

Well, the female donkey that Jesus rode into Jerusalem gives us 5 simple steps to overcoming this and making it happen- all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

Lessons from 30 amazing Women of the Bible

Lessons from 30 amazing Women of the Bible

This week (October 3rd to be exact) was my birthday and- it wasn't just any birthday- it was my 30th! Also, although I didn't actually make it public until late November, this month will mark a year since I started this blog with a view to:

  • Raise the profile of the contributions of the women of the Bible and how the lessons contained in these can be practically applied in our modern spiritual walks
  • Empower Christian women to fully embrace their unique identities and purpose in Christ, free of the stereotypes and traditions that can "so easily best" us

To celebrate, I am going to share my top 30 women of the Bible along with what they taught me either about Christian womanhood/femininity or life in general. So, in alphabetical order, here goes!

Lessons from Pharaoh's Daughter on Mercy

Lessons from Pharaoh's Daughter on Mercy

In the last 2 weeks we have been studying the women that were instrumental in Moses' life. They were:

  • Shiphrah and Puah, the midwives that delivered him and spared his life (despite Pharaoh's orders)
  • Jochebed, his biological mother
  • Miriam, his sister, was also mentioned in the piece on Jochebed

Today we will be discussing his adopted mother, who was the Pharaoh's daughter.


Through our study of Jochebed, we talked about how Moses came to be adopted by the Pharaoh's daughter. According to Exodus 2:2-4:

"...when [Jochebed] saw that [Moses] was a beautiful child. she hid him three months. But when she could no longer hide him, she took an ark of bulrushes for him, daubed it with asphalt and pitch, put the child in it, and laid it in the reeds by the river bank. And his sister (Miriam) stood afar off, to know what would be done to him"

What ended up happening is that the Pharaoh's daughter discovered Moses when she went to bathe in the river, accompanied by her maidens. However, although she realised that he was a Hebrew child, Exodus 2:6 says that "she had compassion on him" and spared his life. This was despite the fact that her father, the Pharaoh, had ordered that all Hebrew male children be killed at birth (Exodus 1:15-17). Miriam, noting her compassion, was then bold enough to approach the Pharaoh's daughter and ask if she should go and call a Hebrew woman to nurse him for her. Two remarkable things then happened:

  1. Pharaoh's daughter gave Miriam permission to find Moses a nurse, thereby preserving his life even further (Exodus 2:7-8)
  2. The woman that Miriam called was Jochebed and, not only did the Pharaoh's daughter give her permission to nurse him, she paid her to do so until he was old enough to be weaned and brought back to the palace- making Pharaoh's daughter Moses' adopted mother (Exodus 2: 8-10)

Pharaoh's daughter therefore has much to teach us about the concept of mercy. If you prefer, you can listen to the rest of this devotional via the audio below rather than continuing to read. Feel free to download and share it with your loved ones as well:

An Interview with Mercy on the Relevance of the Women of the Bible

An Interview with Mercy on the Relevance of the Women of the Bible

Today's interview comes from Mercy, a great woman of faith who, in her own words:

"[believes] a servant's heart is paramount in how we should live our lives. We are our brothers' or sisters' keeper and therefore I'm always looking for ways to impact others".

With that being said you can see why Mercy chose to tackle the timely subject of the importance of acknowledging the contributions of the women of the Bible so that we (as modern women) can, not only be impacted by their stories but, have role-models to relate to, identify with and "pass onto our next generation of Christian women":