dream clients

How to get brand clarity

How to get brand clarity

The first step to getting brand clarity, especially if you have PR in mind, is to know that PR is not about you.

I know that might seem counterintuitive because it will ultimately put you and your brand in the spotlight- but it's really not, sis!

PR is about service.

When you pitch yourself to an editor, podcast host or influencer to be on their platform, it's to demonstrate how your expertise can serve their audience.

If you get the chance to contribute to their platform, you serve their audience by giving them value i.e. using your content to teach them new skills, help them solve a problem and so on.

This is the very essence of content marketing.

Lessons from Zipporah on how to attract your dream clients and keep them

Lessons from Zipporah on how to attract your dream clients and keep them

Recently we talked about what Miriam teaches us bout being a thought leader and woman of influence

Namely, the fact that they edify, exhort and comfort the people within their niche(s) from a place of divine inspiration. You can read more here if you missed that, sis.

One of the other ways that they influence and guide others is by not being afraid to go against the status quo whether it’s popular with their key stakeholders or not

In fact-

Moses’ decision to marry Zipporah is a prime example of that because she was a black (rather than Hebrew) woman

Not only that-

Numbers 12 tells us that it caused a rift in his family that also almost cost him his (leadership) position

But thank God for divine intervention!

Although it’s easy to dwell on the dark side of this episode of Zipporah’s life, there are 3 positive lessons that I was able to draw from it for us as modern women