In my most recent blog post I talked about the importance of taking a stand with your messaging, even if it’s polarising
You can read that here if you missed it, sis
The truth is, though, that sometimes your presence can be polarising not just because of what you say- but who you are
Don’t believe me?
Just look at Zipporah
Number’s 12:1 is very explicit about the fact that “Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married…”. In other words-
They disliked her, not because of the content of her character, but because she was a minority
The worst part?
It’s still happening today for modern women
Not only that-
The discrimination only increases the more intersectional identities that we inhabit
I talked about a few of mine in my last post
For example although, like Zipporah, I am a black woman- I am also plus-sized, Christian and more
This means that I have to battle against obstacles such as patriarchy, racism, fat phobia and more in order to succeed
Whereas another woman may be able to add or swap out other battles based on her intersectional identities, such as ableism, homophobia, abuse survivor, ageism, transphobia, social economics and more
I don’t say all of this to make you uncomfortable, angry or bring you doom and gloom, sis
You know that ain’t my style!
I say all of this to uplift you
The world may try to tear you down with it’s standards of beauty, what is normal or whose face fits in your chosen arena
You may be considered a minority in some way shape or form, but your rarity makes you revolutionary
God made you exactly who you are for a reason- black, white, Asian, Latinx, fat, thin, short, tall- whatever it is
You are here for such a time as this (Esther 4:14)
And though it may be difficult-
Hold and take up space within your personal industry or sphere(s) of influence
Break barriers and glass ceilings- just by daring to be present- like Zipporah did
That’s how you become the change that you want to see in the world
(like Gandhi said)
That is the beginning of activism.
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