body positivity

4 mistakes when it comes to using HARO

4 mistakes when it comes to using HARO

One of the positive things to come out of lockdown last year was that I started exercising more by walking in the park for about an hour before I started my work from home routine. I enjoyed it for many reasons, not least because it became one of the only reasons that I would leave my house.

As life returned back to ‘normal’ and I became busier, I found that I was walking less and less until finally, I just wasn’t walking at all. Wanting to revive this healthy habit and develop some others, I decided that I would incorporate ‘become more healthy’ into my plans for 2022.

But by the following month, I had succumbed to the statistic about people tending to give up on their resolutions by February. It started out well enough, drinking water and moving around more, but I found that this quickly escalated into feeling guilty about eating certain foods or beating myself up when I didn’t sweat that day.

I also found myself becoming more critical of my body, frustrated that after all of my sacrifice and effort, I couldn’t see any ‘positive results’ to make it all worth it. “You didn’t even start this journey to lose weight, though,” I remember saying to myself out loud in response to my negative self-talk. “You just wanted to be healthier.”

It was then that I realised that I had internalised diet culture’s message that healthier means thinner and that certain foods were inherently good or bad. I couldn’t help but feel disappointed in myself. These were thoughts that I had not had since I was a teenager who loathed her plus sized body because the world told her to. It had taken me a long time to shed those beliefs and truly love myself, only to find that I had never really formed new ideas of health that included me.

In order to rectify this mistake, I interviewed experts like:

and collated their expert advise into an article on How To Become Healthier Without Succumbing To Diet Culture for Black Ballad.

Continuing in this spirit of rectifying mistakes, today I'll be switching gears from talking about my recent blip with diet culture to talking about the ones that I had with HARO initially and what I now do to avoid them (so that you can too!) For example:

2 steps to shattering self-imposed glass ceilings

2 steps to shattering self-imposed glass ceilings

We've been doing a lot of talking about purpose recently

Including why purpose is important to your PR strategy and how to do purpose-driven PR.

The reason for this is because when I reflect on the nativity story, particularly from Mary's point of view, that's the overarching theme that jumps out to me about this season

Here's why:

In giving her the gift of Jesus, God took an average little girl and gave her the opportunity to present herself in a new light by lifting the lid of her potential; endowing her with His power and giving her purpose.

But, most of all, God gave her something special to share with the rest of the world- an expression of His love.

To me, this shows us as modern women that we are also pregnant with purpose- meaning that we have something to give and contribute to the world too

However, as a person who sits at the intersection of many identities, I know how hard this can be to believe at times (if not all the time)

You are literally presented with messages built from systems that contradict and try to convince you otherwise every single day but...

Guess what?

Your ability to speak up, step out and shine as the woman that God created you to be is tied to coming out of agreement with society and accepting your divine status as "blessed among women" (Luke 1:28)

Yes you!

Simply put, you can't be a thought leader if you don't actually believe that you have ideas worth sharing...

You can't make impact if you don't believe that you have the power to...

You won't use your voice if you don't believe that it's significant...

You can't be visible if you don't feel that who and what you represent matters...

Because it's impossible to shatter glass ceilings that you continue to uphold

Ready to break them down?

Here's what you must do instead

Lessons from Zipporah on how to be the change you want to see

Lessons from Zipporah on how to be the change you want to see

In my most recent blog post I talked about the importance of taking a stand with your messaging, even if it’s polarising

You can read that here if you missed it, sis

The truth is, though, that sometimes your presence can be polarising not just because of what you say- but who you are

Don’t believe me?

Just look at Zipporah

Number’s 12:1 is very explicit about the fact that “Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married…”. In other words-

They disliked her, not because of the content of her character, but because she was a minority

The worst part?

Lessons from Miriam on why you need a platform to succeed

Lessons from Miriam on why you need a platform to succeed

One of my favourite experts on the topic of leadership is John Maxwell

Never heard of him, sis? You can access a lot of his teachings for free on YouTube, by just searching his name, as a starting as point.

Although one of his guiding principles is “leadership begins with self-leadership,” he also makes it clear that “If you think you’re leading, but no one is following…you are only taking a long walk”

In other words, sis, you need a platform to succeed as a (thought) leader and influencer, which is something that we see very clearly demonstrated through Miriam. For example…

How to become more body positive with Dlang (Denisha) Ferguson

How to become more body positive with Dlang (Denisha) Ferguson

In today's interview, I will be talking about how to become more body confident with none other than the amazing Dlang Ferguson- the founder and creator of Dlang Designs and UnZIP the Runway over at

By the end of this video you will know:

  • The difference between body positivity and body diversity (and why that’s so important in entrepreneurship)

  • How to feel confident and more body positive

  • How to launch a Kickstarter without burning out

  • And much more!

Sound like your cup of tea, lovely?

Great! You can do whatever it is you need to do to get comfortable and press play to access this awesome conversation, below:

How to find your personal style with Clarissa Grace

How to find your personal style with Clarissa Grace

In today's interview, I will be talking about how to find your personal style with none other than the amazing Clarissa Grace (personal style and personal brand strategist at where she helps female entrepreneurs find their dazzling core of confidence, transform themselves through the power of personal style, and magnetise dream clients.

By the end of this video you will know:

  • How to develop your personal style (outside of traditional beauty/industry standards)

  • How to dress your way to success, especially as a female entrepreneur

  • Common myths and misconceptions about personal styling and how to avoid them

  • And much more!

Sound like your cup of tea, lovely?

Great! You can do whatever it is you need to do to get comfortable and press play to access this awesome conversation, below: