
Why mindset is so important for PR Success

Why mindset is so important for PR Success

Just before my Wickedly Smart Women podcast interview in October I suffered a series of unfortunate events:

  • My ring light cut off

  • The lack of light messed with the brightness of the content I was trying to capture

  • I tried to compensate for this by moving my phone closer

  • Then my phone fell

  • By this time I was almost late for the interview; so I had to leave the phone and get started

You can see the live footage of this below:

4 mistakes when it comes to using HARO

4 mistakes when it comes to using HARO

One of the positive things to come out of lockdown last year was that I started exercising more by walking in the park for about an hour before I started my work from home routine. I enjoyed it for many reasons, not least because it became one of the only reasons that I would leave my house.

As life returned back to ‘normal’ and I became busier, I found that I was walking less and less until finally, I just wasn’t walking at all. Wanting to revive this healthy habit and develop some others, I decided that I would incorporate ‘become more healthy’ into my plans for 2022.

But by the following month, I had succumbed to the statistic about people tending to give up on their resolutions by February. It started out well enough, drinking water and moving around more, but I found that this quickly escalated into feeling guilty about eating certain foods or beating myself up when I didn’t sweat that day.

I also found myself becoming more critical of my body, frustrated that after all of my sacrifice and effort, I couldn’t see any ‘positive results’ to make it all worth it. “You didn’t even start this journey to lose weight, though,” I remember saying to myself out loud in response to my negative self-talk. “You just wanted to be healthier.”

It was then that I realised that I had internalised diet culture’s message that healthier means thinner and that certain foods were inherently good or bad. I couldn’t help but feel disappointed in myself. These were thoughts that I had not had since I was a teenager who loathed her plus sized body because the world told her to. It had taken me a long time to shed those beliefs and truly love myself, only to find that I had never really formed new ideas of health that included me.

In order to rectify this mistake, I interviewed experts like:

and collated their expert advise into an article on How To Become Healthier Without Succumbing To Diet Culture for Black Ballad.

Continuing in this spirit of rectifying mistakes, today I'll be switching gears from talking about my recent blip with diet culture to talking about the ones that I had with HARO initially and what I now do to avoid them (so that you can too!) For example:

How to not Grow Weary of Doing Good

How to not Grow Weary of Doing Good

Last week, we talked about how to increase our capacity to succeed and the vital role that faith plays in allowing us to do this


  1. Faith increases our capacity to receive from God,

  2. The bigger your life, business or visibility goals- the bigger your faith will need to be

If that’s true, it follows that lack of faith decreases our capacity to succeed.

The most obvious way that lack of faith shows up is through unbelief or lack of faith in God.

According to The Parable of the sower, this usually happens because of “the cares of the world” (Matthew 13:22).

For the widow in 2nd Kings 4:1-7, it would have been easy- even expected- for her to lose faith in God

I mean, not only had her husband died- he left her with huge debt and creditors ready to make her sons slaves if she was unable to pay it off!

But she didn’t…

Lessons from Elisheba on why knowing God is your oath will help you achieve success

Lessons from Elisheba on why knowing God is your oath will help you achieve success

Exodus 6:23 reveals that Moses’ sister-in-law’s name was Elisheba (or Elisheva) which translates as "God is my oath". As women of purpose, this is important to know for 2 main reasons- all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.