God is your oath

How to not Grow Weary of Doing Good

How to not Grow Weary of Doing Good

Last week, we talked about how to increase our capacity to succeed and the vital role that faith plays in allowing us to do this


  1. Faith increases our capacity to receive from God,

  2. The bigger your life, business or visibility goals- the bigger your faith will need to be

If that’s true, it follows that lack of faith decreases our capacity to succeed.

The most obvious way that lack of faith shows up is through unbelief or lack of faith in God.

According to The Parable of the sower, this usually happens because of “the cares of the world” (Matthew 13:22).

For the widow in 2nd Kings 4:1-7, it would have been easy- even expected- for her to lose faith in God

I mean, not only had her husband died- he left her with huge debt and creditors ready to make her sons slaves if she was unable to pay it off!

But she didn’t…

Lessons from esther on how to increase your visibility by transforming your mindset

Lessons from esther on how to increase your visibility by transforming your mindset

In my previous post, I talked about Hegai (the King’s eunch’s) role in helping Esther secure the crown

Click here if you missed that, sis

But that wasn’t the main thing that made the King choose her

“So, what was?!” I hear you ask

According to Esther 2:15 and 17, it was favour
So let’s break that down

When I hear the word “favour” it immediately puts me in mind of the concept of grace


Because grace is by definition “the unmerited favour of God”

In other words…

Without the belief that:

  1. You have God’s favour

  2. He will cause people to favour you also

  3. He made you “for such a time as this”

You won’t go towards your goals or the desires that He gave you

Because we go in the direction of of our beliefs

We see that play out in Esther 4:10-11 when Esther expressed fear of going to see the king about calling off the proposed genocide of her people


We see it in modern day stats that show that women feel less at ease going for their goals by promoting themselves than men- which in turn means that they're less likely to do it.

Can you relate, sis?

What needs to be understood is that walking in God’s favour is a lifestyle that is born out of your mindset. Here are 4 tools that I use to develop it.

Lessons from Elisheba on how to know when to walk away from an opportunity

Lessons from Elisheba on how to know when to walk away from an opportunity

So last week, we talked about Moses’ sister-in-law (Elisheba) and the lessons she teaches us on why it’s important to know that God is our oath as we pursue our God given visions.

Today, we’ll be digging a little deeper in talking about:

  1. How to know when to walk away from an opportunity

  2. Why knowing God is your oath will help you in your decision making-

all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.

Lessons from Elisheba on why knowing God is your oath will help you achieve success

Lessons from Elisheba on why knowing God is your oath will help you achieve success

Exodus 6:23 reveals that Moses’ sister-in-law’s name was Elisheba (or Elisheva) which translates as "God is my oath". As women of purpose, this is important to know for 2 main reasons- all of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.