3 tools for overcoming limiting beliefs holding you back from PR success
Last week I mentioned that one of the common mistakes that people make, when it comes to mindset work, is thinking that it's a one-time thing
This is because, in the same way that real gardens need maintenance to ensure that weeds don't get out of hand, so do our minds
I also promised that I would give you some of the tips and tricks that I like to use for renewing my mind on a regular basis and that you can too
So here they are:
How to get your Joy Back
Chile, this week has been a lot!
Like seriously…
Recently, I talked about the fact that faith increases our capacity to succeed
Click here if you missed that, sis!
But did you know that you have other capacities too?
For example:
A) Mental capacity
The ability to make your own decisions
B) Emotional capacity
The ability to overcome limiting beliefs, your ease in adapting to challenging situations, and the quality of your relationships
C) Physical capacity
The ability to perform a variety of physical tasks
In the wake of such trying times, we run the risk of running low in one or more of these capacities
Which will then have knock-on effects on our ability to walk in purpose because…
As the saying goes, “you can’t pour from an empty cup” and this is really clearly illustrated in 2nd Kings 4:1-7
in which the woman literally took empty vessels, poured oil into them until they were full and then distributed the oil for profit.
2nd Timothy 2:21 says that we are “vessels of honour” so, like the widow did with hers, we need to make sure to fill ourselves up before we pour out to others. Here are 20 ways that I have been doing that this week:
Apart from the typical advice of praying and reading the Bible, in between, work, I have been doing one or more of the following each day:
Lessons from esther on how to increase your visibility by transforming your mindset
In my previous post, I talked about Hegai (the King’s eunch’s) role in helping Esther secure the crown
Click here if you missed that, sis
But that wasn’t the main thing that made the King choose her
“So, what was?!” I hear you ask
According to Esther 2:15 and 17, it was favour
So let’s break that down
When I hear the word “favour” it immediately puts me in mind of the concept of grace
Because grace is by definition “the unmerited favour of God”
In other words…
Without the belief that:
You have God’s favour
He will cause people to favour you also
He made you “for such a time as this”
You won’t go towards your goals or the desires that He gave you
Because we go in the direction of of our beliefs
We see that play out in Esther 4:10-11 when Esther expressed fear of going to see the king about calling off the proposed genocide of her people
We see it in modern day stats that show that women feel less at ease going for their goals by promoting themselves than men- which in turn means that they're less likely to do it.
Can you relate, sis?
What needs to be understood is that walking in God’s favour is a lifestyle that is born out of your mindset. Here are 4 tools that I use to develop it.
Lessons from The Woman with the Issue of Blood on How to Live by Faith
In the last few weeks I have been drawing loads of inspiration from our spiritual mother- The Woman with the Issue of Blood. For example, I've uncovered what she teaches us about:
Today we are going to discuss:
How she was a living testimony of what it means to live a life of faith
The 5 steps that we can take from her example and incorporate into our lives in order to do the same
All of which I shared on my Facebook page this week via the (live) video below.
Lessons from the Woman with the Issue of Blood on Biblical Affirmations
Last week, I talked about how the story of The Woman with the Issue of Blood has hidden gems about the 2 ways in which we can subconsciously; inadvertently sabotage our own prayers.
The week before that, I talked about what The Woman with the Issue of Blood has to teach us about how our tests are actually our testimonies.
Continuing along this route of discussing what her story has to teach us about the power of our testimonies, today I am going to be talking about what The Woman with the Issue of Blood has to teach us about the importance and use of affirmations.
Yes, I know!
In some Christian circles, the word "affirmation" can come across as taboo or having affiliations with the new age/occult- but:
The Bible shares on numerous occassions about the power of our words (and it's ability to influence our lives for good or bad). As such, we need to know:
How to write Biblical affirmations
How to use them (in 3 simple ways)
Great! Do whatever it is that you need to do to get comfortable so you can watch and enjoy the video below.