How to break through toxic cultural beliefs and get PR ready

How to break through toxic cultural beliefs and get PR ready

Recently I had the opportunity to chat with Annie Gichuru of The Represented Podcast

And it was so good, sis!

We talked about breaking through toxic cultural beliefs and getting PR ready


  • The toxic cultural beliefs that keep Black women and other underrepresented groups from pursuing visibility in PR and how to overcome them

  • Why PR isn’t just for the privileged and what it takes to get “PR ready” without feeling unworthy

  • Common misconceptions about PR and the steps you can take to avoid costly mistakes

  • How healing from internalised beliefs opens the door to meaningful progress in life and business

This is important because…

How planning helps you achieve your goals

How planning helps you achieve your goals

If you’ve been rocking with me for a while, you’ll know that I don’t buy in to new year hype but even I can admit that it has several benefits

Like a clean slate that gives us renewed energy to try again or try something completely new

And try as we may to run away from it, resolutions just hit different at the top of a new 365 days

Don’t you agree?

While we all have good intentions when we set our resolutions, statistics show that most people give up on them by February

I know, that’s crazy, right?! Especially when you think about the fact that, that’s typically a month after setting them

I know what you’re thinking, sis: What makes us give up so soon?

How to use the six-p formula to achieve your goals

How to use the six-p formula to achieve your goals

If you’ve been rocking with me for a while, you’ll know that I love to travel. As someone who gets lost easily

(even in her home city lol)

the one nerve-wracking thing about exploring new places is figuring out how to get to where I'm trying to go

That's why I spend time planning my routes before I have to navigate them

Knowing exactly where you’re going and having a plan in place to help you get there isn’t only important for sightseeing or visiting landmarks. It’s also crucial for your goals (PR or otherwise)


Why surrender is so powerful

Why surrender is so powerful

I always say that one of the ways that God speaks to me is through repetition

Which is quite fitting since “repetition is the mother of learning”

And, recently, there have been three separate occasions where God has spoken to me about the power of surrender

Here’s how 👇🏾

Why it's important to celebrate your successes

Why it's important to celebrate your successes

If you were to ask me to sum up October in one word, I’d say it was a CELEBRATION

Here’s why 👇🏾

I celebrated and was celebrated

I celebrated because it was my birthday on October 3rd and it is my custom to spend the whole month celebrating

I celebrated by doing the things I enjoy andseeing the people that I love

i.e. those who fill my heart

Then, the ultimate cherry on top of all the birthday cakes I had in October was going to Paris, where I had the privilege of speaking and receiving a Legendary Woman Of Impact Award

So, it really was a month filled with celebrations and reasons to celebrate, including my goddaughter’s birthday

What was interesting about this season, when I really think about it, is that I don’t often celebrate myself

I’m the sort of person who’ll hit a milestone and be like, “Okay, what’s next? What do I do now?”

I don’t always take time out to pause and reflect on what I’ve achieved because I’m constantly thinking about what I need to do next or what I’m yet to achieve

And so, when people point out my achievements and praise me, I’ll accept it. However, because I’m aware of the gap between where I currently am and where I want to be, I often don't savour those moments of praise. But in October, I feel like I was forced to look back at my journey from where I started (as a blogger) to where I am now (as an award-winning blogger, international speaker and PR specialist)

This month, I remembered that although I’m not where I want to be, I’m not where I used to be, and that’s worth celebrating

If you've been nodding while reading this, thanks for validating my experience but, more importantly, keep reading because this message is for you too

Why mastermind groups are so powerful

Why mastermind groups are so powerful

In the last few weeks, I've experienced two full circle moments that reminded me of this quote by Napoleon Hill: “No mind is complete by itself. It needs contact and association with other minds to grow and expand"

In other words, we become powerful beyond measure when we pursue our visions alongside others (through the power of a mastermind). This was illustrated through:

Why you should follow your dreams

Why you should follow your dreams

I'm so totally honoured to share that I spoke at The Rise to Millions Conference in Paris and received a Legendary Woman of Impact Award there recently 🥳🥳🥳

It was the last weekend of October to be exact

As I stood in front of the crowd, trying to find the words to express how honoured I was, I ended my speech by saying something like: “Well, this wasn’t on my bingo card, but it’s real, and it’s happening because I chose to follow my dreams...literally"

Here's what I meant by that 👇🏾

How working less can make you more productive

How working less can make you more productive

Just before my birthday, I had a lovely brunch with my good friend, Eunice

It was so good! 🤤

We laughed and chatted

And, like how it always goes, the conversation fluctuated between serious topics to the both of us just belly laughing

One of the topics that stood out for me was the one we had about the 7-F Framework or the Wheel of Life

There are different versions of it but the one I follow covers (in no particular order):

  1. Faith

  2. Family

  3. Friends

  4. Firm (business or work)

  5. Fun

  6. Fitness

  7. Finance

In my conversation with Eunice, I told her about the “Fun” aspect of my life

i.e. how I’d shifted my mindset, and how doing so has not only improved my productivity but my relationship with being productive

For example, if you know me, you know I always say “October is my birthday"

In the past, this meant I’d reserve this month for fun, being with friends, brunch dates and just letting my hair down a little more

So I always had great expectations when it came to October, in the past, but this year was different

Here’s how 👇🏾